EV Energy Partners has said it intends to keep an additional 73,500 acres in eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania, at least for now. The acreage being retained totals 56,600 acres in Ohio and 16,900 acres in Pennsylvania.

The company said it intends to keep its shallow vertical-only wells in Ohio’s Clinton sandstone and the deeper Knox wells.

Walker also announced in Friday’s teleconference that his companies and a partner are developing a new plan to drill 20 new exploratory oil wells in three areas of Stark and Tuscarawas counties.

That drilling could begin late this year, officials said.

The company is seeking to locate and develop what’s called the volatile Utica oil window that drillers so far have largely been unable to tap.

The project’s partner was identified by Walker only as a privately held energy company with acreage near EnerVest’s holdings.




Could the partner be Sierra?

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if its so bad why in the world would they be spending a lotta money to drill 20 more wells in that area??????  somethink does not add up here


Enervest either changed their mind and want a piece of the money pie now or want to prove economic viability in this area to sell their Utica acreage.

They say now they want to drill 5-10 wells not 20. Seems they are a participating non op partner in drilling units with other drillers to get recommendations on how to improve well productivity in the volatile oil window. They would have access to all the technical data drillers do on these wells. I guess only Enervest knows the true answer. Maybe they want to be the company that cracks the code for the volatile oil window.

TM  may have hit on it....they want to sell off the acreage.....so the wells may be to derisk the area.


I personally don't think Enervest wants to be involved in the UTICA horizonatal drilling game.

Sitting back and taking a 3%ORI is a safe bet that will bring in millions.

I guess time will tell ..........

Are any exploratory oil wells started in Tuscarwas County?

On January 17 Enervest got a drill new well horizontally permit for a Rummell Farms 1H well in Stark County. This well will be 81.48 acres. The formation will be ohio shale through the queenston. The well will be located in Washington township robertsville quadrangle.

There  are 3 other producing wells in this unit in the queenston formation. I wonder if this will be a new well or a horizontal will be drilled off one of the older vertical shallow wells. There are 2 producing shallow wells in section 34 already. This new horizontal well will be drilled in section 34 as well.

Here is the permit. Looks like a horizontal clinton well to me?

tTM how do u comeup with a horional clinton ....the ohio shale is the marcellus and utica ........the clinton is a sandstone formation .....no mention of the clinton on the permit ....but by naming the ohioo shale gives them the option of the marcellus or the utica 


I've been wondering when someone was going to do that. I've wondered how many stripper well leases in OH could be made profitable again utilizing horizontal drilling. Instead of a 50ft production zone on a vertical Clinton, you could get a 5000ft (100 times more) production zone with a horizontal leg. Horizontal leg lengths would largely depend on the sizes of the current leaseholds as many vertical leases were in smaller acreages. I wonder how the financials work out on something like this. I think I remember Oxford having permits for some shorter horizontals (2000-3000ft?) in the Ohio Shale last year in SE OH.

Enervest had a horizontal well permitted in Stark county last year as well. It is the Dickerhoof well.

Permit List From 41502 To 41502
County/ App/Issued Date Well Name&No/Company Surface Location Target Location
STARK DICKERHOOF J & L UNIT 2-H XCoord S: 2359695 XCoord T 2358490
34151258420000 ENERVEST OPERATING L YCoord:S 432815 YCoord T 434296
Dt App 41473 300 CAPITOL STREET SUITE 200 Lot S: Lot T
Dt Issued 41502 Sec S: 24 Sec T 24
Depth 5200 3043435505 Civil Twp S: NIMISHILLEN Civil Twp T NIMISHILLEN
Well Class POOL Footage S 215'NL & 445'WL OF SE QTR SEC 24
Formation(s): OHIO SHALE THRU CLINTON Footage T 1230'SL & 795'EL OF NW QTR SEC 24
Purpose: OG Rig: RTAF
Type: Drill New Well, horizontally Urban 5000
Elevation S 1224 Elevation T 1215
Open browser with map of well location.

Sorry, that didn't paste too great, maybe somebody can paste the permit better.

Hi Jason,

This Dickerhoof well is a 42 acre clinton horizontal well with a 1,426 ft NW lateral. I seen this permit last year dont know if they drilled the well or not yet. On the permit it said ohio shale through the queenston just like the Rummell Farms permit. The plat map for the well is below



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