About 18 months ago Spectra Energy spent a fair amount of money in Harrison County and surrounding counties on a potential ROW/pipeline under a name of "Open".   Does anyone have an insight if this ROW/pipeline is still on-going.  Is there an implementation deadline for installation and operation?  Before checking Spectra webpage and re-vamping investor presentations, i have already done that.  Any specifics would be great. 

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Still waiting for a response on this............Anyone?

From what I gathered a while back when I was also wondering it looks like they may have abandoned the route they surveyed out our way in favor of a more northern route. There was some news a while back about the compressor station near Colerain -Mt Pleasant area that is associated with this project

Interesting, I have not heard.  Last contact from land agent indicated that Land acquisition would be in 2014.  This was about 6-8 months ago.  Thanks Josh!!


A few of the Columbiana county property owners have recorder entries already which states "incomplete" but I am sure those people signed. And I know property owners are still being contacted to sign ROWs.  That is only Columbiana county and the line will only run in the SW corner.  I have no idea what is happening in other counties.  Do you have property in this project?

Don C.


I have two properties in Harrison County that the planned ROW was crossing.  They completed Archaeology Studies, Wetlands, and Surveying in 2012.  I have not seen any progress since.  Thank you for the information.


I would have assumed they would hit everybody up with a ROW lease at one time.  Its like hit and miss here.  They have contacted a few homeowners in a row, miss a few.  I don't understand it.  One landman stopped with a 1 1/2 page lease to sign, I think in Sept. 

 They have since changed landman and we are still negotiating the lease with my attorney.



Spectra agents didn't even drop off ROW agreements. 


I found out that Harrison county was left out. spectra changed the route and  its just the northern part of Monroe , Belmont, Jefferson, and Columbiana

don c 

Oh well, I wasnt ready for another pipeline negotiation yet anyways.  Best of luck.

I got a packet in the mail today from Spectra. It said they filed an application on jan 31, 2014 for approval of the "OPEN" project. They hope to begin construction in the spring of 2015. This is my first contact with them. I'm in Richland township, Belmont county.







Does anyone know what the going price for one 30 inch high pressure transmission line per foot?     This line will be 150 feet from corner of our home.  thanks


Don C

Don I would hold out for at least $60 per foot.  Good luck and hold out as long as possible unless they have an easy way around you.


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