Pro-Landowner Royalty-Deduction Bill Passes Out of Committee: See how they voted (HB1684)

Yea votes stand with the land owners of Pennsylvania, Nays do not!!!! We landowners need to support those who support us. We cannot forget these people who fight for what's right for the people of Pennsylvania. The fight isn't over yet.

Let's thank Rep. Garth Everett for sponsoring this legislation

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I emailed him and Thanked him.  I will call tomorrow. Thank you for making us aware of this Legislation HB1684 !    Nancy LeNau

I do not live in PA but, if I did I would write and call. Or call then write, write then call.Plus, do it more than once. Usually a staffer will field these types of letters/e-mails and calls. The staffer will have been given a canned response to use; that response will not contain the reason why the representative voted as they did. They are just hoping they can blow you off and you won't put anymore effort into it.

One thing I have found that puts fear into these people is asking for a meeting when they are in the district. If you are told the schedule is full then ask if you can come to Harrisburg.

Follow Up the initial letter, e-mail, and phone call until they give you a satisfactory answer. Don't Stop!

This is regarding the Republican NAY votes.  I don't live in WPA (western Pennsylvania).  But I read somewhere that this bill is being seen by some Republican WPA legislators as threatening to their constituents.  Since I don't live out there I cannot explain the reasoning.

This entire issue exists because of a single company, Chesapeake Energy.  While other gas companies take out some deductions, Chesapeake does so in the most aggressive manner.  Chesapeake controls a lot of land in Bradford County.  Thus, the primary impetus behind this bill is coming from there and from NEPA in general, and not from WPA.

If a WPA landowner could explain the problem this bill creates there I'd appreciate it and I'd be interested. It was something related to legacy wells, I think . . . but I don't really understand.

As far as increased taxes, who is paying the state the taxes on all of these deductions now?  It would have been in our income tax for Pa.

the people in P.A can use that tax money.  that's why its a no brainer for all Reps to vote for 1684     link is here also

Why is this crap always involving Chesapeake? I don't ever hear anything bad about Range Resources?

Michael, because they do not do the right thing! It's that simple


It passed in the House today!!!!!  YEA Landowner victory today!!!!!!

One Representative who voted against the bill in committee was Kathy Rapp.  I have known Kathy and followed her political carrer for some time, and I would really like to know her take on this bill, and what factors caused her to vote NAY.  I don't believe for one minute that she is in the pocket of CHK or other big gas companies.  I agree with the intent of the bill and the upholding of landowner rights, perhaps there is some flaw with the bill that she was not able to look past. 

pg guy, bs she is in the oil companies pockets.  She had no understanding or compassion for the landowners.

I didn't watch it, but I believe you (Matthew Santigo) hit the nail on the head.  A large part of her constituency is economically dependent on the traditional, conventional industry.  Indeed, the economy of her entire district is dependent on the conventional industry.  

(BTW - I am not aware of a conventional, shallow producer deducting post-production costs from a landowner's royalty check. Not saying it doesn't happen, but it is likely not the usual practice.)

Other legislation in PA demonstrates that most of the lawmakers have no understanding, or even awareness of, the conventional industry in PA.  The "oil patch" lawmakers face an uphill battle to prevent regulation and legislation intended for the unconventional industry from putting the little guys out of business.  Kathy made the calculation that anything threatening the small producers in her district also threatens the landowners as well.  After all, no conventional oil production equals no oil royalties, no oil refinery jobs, no conventional service-industry jobs, no conventional oil producing jobs, no support industry jobs, etc, etc, etc



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