Yea votes stand with the land owners of Pennsylvania, Nays do not!!!! We landowners need to support those who support us. We cannot forget these people who fight for what's right for the people of Pennsylvania. The fight isn't over yet.
Let's thank Rep. Garth Everett for sponsoring this legislation
Phone: (717) 787-5270
exactly, it is political pandering. this is an election year afterall and legislators are elected.
supreme court judges on the other hand are not, they are appointed for life and will rule according to the constitution regardless of the will of the electorate.
Unfortunately whether the 12.5% minimum royalty means just that, or before deductions. Cheasapeake and others have no regard to what the lease states. They are taking post deductions from leases that clearly state that they may not take any post production costs from the landowners royalties. If they can do this when it is written in black and white. Then they will interprept and determine what amount, if any they will pay in royalties to the landowner. No one has deeper pockets than the gas companies and they know it. It's much cheaper for them to own these politicians than follow the laws, knowing that no landowner can afford to go up against them in a court of law.
OK Jim if that is the case why is there a Federal Invesitgation going on and has been for almost 2 years? Do NOT think Pennsylvania Politicians at the top did not know! They knew big whopping deductions were going on and looked the other way and I believe that is why OUR Politicians IGNORED US because of rewards accepted by the Gas Companies!
Makes total sense to me! Landowners have been ROYALTY SCREWED! The Federal Government is investigating for the underpayment of Royalties which says 12:5%, percent! So I guess OUR Politicians that hired PROFESSIONAL LAWYERS , OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH thats right they are Lawyers . BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT They BELIEVED that 12.5 percent meant 12.5 percent! So is our STATE and Federal Government Sueing Chesapeake? Oh let me see why, if that is the case would the State and Federal Government whom understood 12.5 percent to be 12.5 percent with PRofessional Lawyers dictating their contracts?! Chesapeake is ROBBING them too! HA HA HA and they do NOT LIKE IT ONE BIT!
I believe WE THE PEOPLE have more POWER then WE think and I think its about time We The People put an end to it! We want OUR MONEY in full and nothing less WE SHOULD get NO less than the ones that work for US MEANING YOU POLITICIANS OUR 12.5 percent to be interpreted the same! Or is this the interpretation OUR GOVERNMENT is beginning to treat us like second class citizens!!!!
Right on Darlene. Anytime politicians are involved, you know Mr. and Mrs. Citizen are getting screwed!!
assuming that what you're saying there is that there is a federal investigation into royalty underpayments in pa?
can you please provide a link to a website that would prove what you're saying?
I am unaware of any such investigation.
and we the people had the ultimate power before we executed legally binding contracts. we had the power back then to say no. once executed however, you gave that up in favor of the money and the terms of the contract.
you cannot ask the government to correct your mistakes for you, it is not within the powers granted to them under the constitution.
READ THE PAPER , GO TO the Stock Markets and READ JIM ,type in their Stock symbol and from there it is amazing what you find out!
the things you suggest Darlene, I already do.
it is a very simple matter for you to paste a link to this forum if what you say has any basis in fact, and then everyone who reads this forum will have access to that info.
I can't imagine any but one reason that you would not post proof of what you are asserting.
The government has an arsenal of tools to combat royalty underpayment. The Department of Interior has rules governing what deductions are allowable. It also employs an auditing agency that, while far from perfect, has uncovered more than a dozen instances in which drillers were “willful” in deceiving the government on royalty payments just since 2011. A spokesman for the Department of Interior’s Office of Natural Resources Revenue says that over the last three decades, the government has recouped more than $4 billion in unpaid fees from such cases.
This week, it was announced Chesapeake Energy (CHK) was fined $428,400 for “knowing and willful submission” of inaccurate royalty reports as levied by the US Interior Department's Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR)
Would you like to see more articles Jim!
that has nothing to do with pa Darlene. you said that the fed was investigating underpayment of royalties here.
there are a bazillion investigations worldwide about many companies, but none of them are pertinent to this discussion except the current pa attorney investigation which really hasn't even started yet.
I'm not saying that we shouldn't be diligent as mineral owners, and I'm not saying that mineral owners aren't being cheated. but I own minerals here in pa only, and so I'm only interested in pa legislation and investigations.
here's another one if you want some good reading, though it too has nothing to do with pa.
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