Why cant we come up with some type of average from the people on here actually getting royalty checks. I know every well is different but we should be able to ball park some numbers. 

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This has helped me make my decision--I am going to sell my mineral rights if the offers go any higher.  Even the highest numbers per acre, halved by 49% tax, do not add up to enough. Maybe over 20 years, but I do not have 20 years.


Here is a little more detail about my location.  By comparison to what is happing in your location this information may better help you predict a typical cash flow for where you are.

To put the numbers I posted in perspective, the wet Marcellus wells here in Southern Butler County, PA are just “OK”.  By that I mean that they are profitable to the production companies and the performance across the play is pretty reliable.  However, they are not the wet wells of Washington County, PA nor the dry wells of North Eastern, PA (say Bradford County).  And these wells here certainly pale in comparison the Ohio “pickle” wells (like Harrison, Belmont, Guernsey etc).  The numbers I posted were for a typical well in this area.  These wells start out producing 70 – 100 million cubic feet per month (methane + ethane) and 150,000 – 225,000 gallons NGLs (C3, C4) per month.  Typical decline curves can be found in Rex and Range presentations (but I don’t believe the EURs they publish). 

The recent ODNR 4th qtr production report should give you some idea of what is happening around you.  Unfortunately, neither ODNR nor PA DEP reports list the NGLs and these can contribute substantially to the cash flow.  You should find NGL information in the Corporate Presentations of the individual operators in your area.  By the amount that the projected production numbers for your location exceed the production of my local wells, you will have that much more cash flow.

Other big variables are the probability that you will be in a unit and when.

Good luck!


Thanks for the info,Phil

The nimbers are sounding good you guys are saying.Just wandering if any body out there thats getting royaltys from antero resources.Im out of west virginia,harrison county.Just seems like antero is a very secret company or its royalty owners are very hush hush,Dont Know.His numbers sound very good,his new SSL(short stage length)sound really good.Nice to hear from somebody that is recieving royalty from antero well or wells.Im like you guys,once i start recieving royaly,im sharing the information.hopefuly thats soon.The permits were sighned nov-dec 2013.Hope there online by now or very soon.Thanks

$16000-$24000 per month for 140 acres with a 1/6 interest. Wetzel, WV. You can break that down per acre. I believe we have a 16% royalty. No deductions. Marcellus with three wells off a single pad.

I don't mean to ask for more than you have already given (thank you for that!) but are ALL 140 acres in a unit? I ask because you can own 400 acres, and only have 50 being drilled on etc.

Very nice numbers also, I am happy for you and fellow family!

Jim, is the $16-$24K per month your 1/6 interest?

Yes. This brings up a good point which I don't understand. There is one well pad on one 640+ something acre unit which "drains" 100 acres of our 140 and there is another well pad which covers the other 40. I don't know if it is one or two units nor whether the second pad is in a separate unit. However on each pad, there are six "wells"/pipes drilled. We are only getting paid on three "wells"/pipes (don't know the correct term) on each pad and I don't know if the other three are producing since the production figures have not been posted (wells are one year old). Should we not be getting monies from these other three "wells"/pipes on the same pad  if/when they start to produce?

Yes, only on a 1/6 interest. Mostly condensate. I thought that was amazing. It is with HG and it was their first horizontals in WV. We were getting about 24/25K per month and then there was a fire/explosion? somewhere and they told us our check would get smaller for a while. Right now we are at about 18k per month.

I origionally said three wells on a pad. There are six, with us only being paid on three.

Getting $800 - $950 for 5 acres second year of production.  Marcellus in Marshall County WV.  Put royalties up for sale and so far highest offer is $46500.  Production is from Gastar and they have recently been issued a permit for a marcellus well 2 miles away to now drill for utica.  Not sure whether this is a good offer or not and know that most advice is not to sell.  May wait for utica drilling.

I'm in Bradford Co. and have 50 acres producing since June 2013...I've averaged around $220 per acre per month if my memory serves me well.  We have 12 1/2 % royalty.   Tony

Beaver County, PA; Dry Utica; One lateral; CHK

18 months of production, ranged from about $1.50 to $3.75 per acre per month per % royalty.

So for our 11 acres, all of which are producing, and 12.5% royalty, check ranged from $200 to $500 total for the month.

Over the 18 months, 3 or so of which the well was shut in and not producing, we took in about $5400 total. Nothing to write home about, but about enough to pay our property taxes, and more than I would have gotten if they didn't drill.


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