Why is it that there is all this negativity about the Utica lately but offers to buy my minerals in Harrison county are going up????

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I am not sure I understand any of this but from my experience in the Fayetteville Shale, every play will have "good" spots and "bad" spots and predicting where one begins and another ends is pretty much a crap shoot.

I will say this. About 8-9 years ago, I predicted that there were several counties heavily leased by a jackleg operation and I said those were geologically poor choices and very unlikely to produce. I caught L....I even had one banker from Lonoke county call me and literally threaten me, promising me that I would "pay" for my intemperate remarks. 

Two firms Maverick Drilling and Hallwood drilled in those areas, without a single successful well.  Both went bankrupt. At least one landowner who got $50,000 or more for his leases spent it on Maverick's penny stock...and lost every dime of it.

To this day no production exists in Lonoke County and is unlikely to in my lifetime.  The banker didn't call me to apologize.

Sometimes the naysayers know what they are talking about.

Oh Oracle of the oil wells........please pinpoint the good counties for the UTICA!

No disrespect meant....just looking for an opinion based on facts.

U. S.,

You're really sounding like you have some kind of agenda against exploration and development of the Utica northern tier.

Why is that ?

There's no proof that the north is too shallow to be productive.

We need more exploration and development in the northern tier if you ask me.

There are plenty of other reasons BP and HK may have decided to leave the north.

Do you have an agenda to beat up the north ?

Are you being paid to beat up northern Utica gas and oil exploration and development ?


I do not believe US has an agenda and I do not believe the comments made by US "beat up" the Northern/Shallow Utica. The information presented by US are the facts as we know them today. Some people who have financial agendas on this site find that information threatening to their agenda. They have begun to wage a "war" on the posts of US claiming there is a hidden agenda in those posts. As the old saying goes "... when you point a fingur at someone there are three pointing back at you.... I believe that is those attacking the posts of US that truly have the agenda and are threatened by those posts.(BTW I am not speaking of you).

I for one appreciate the information presented in the posts made by US. I know that you, just as I, would love to see development continue in the Northern/Shallow Utica. At this point in time that does not appear to be in the cards; and the posts made by US hasn't affected that situation and will not, cannot.

We agree on some - we disagree on some - par for the course on places like these I guess.

Regards and luck to all landowners.


Par for the course indeed, but that is the mature of sites such as this.

And, I agree best of luck to all landowners.

Note to the GMS world :

This reply written to address my concern that my earlier comment has been redirected toward me :

My agenda is all about conserving / growing the value of the things that we (I and my family) own; including our land in the north eastern fairway of the Utica Point Pleasant.

We don't appreciate (only) opinions / generalizations that appear to attempt to devalue our property / investments.

Opinions are all that you've recorded in your posts / replies regarding the northeastern tier here in Ohio.

We will speak up to protect the value of our investments.

In my opinion all landowners should speak / write to protect their investment in the northern tier of the Ohio Utica Point Pleasant fairway (shallow or deep whatever that's supposed to mean factually).

That's my total agenda as far as this topic is concerned.

hey j-o im in the north eastern fairway to but i do want to hear some of rhetoric that comes out of the south, theres some truth but most of it is fiction, just tell them as jack nickleson said you cant handle the truth.


You said "We don't appreciate (only) opinions / generalizations that appear to attempt to devalue our property / investments"

That is why U S gave you FACTS. You are falsely accusing him to say any thing else.

You can try to "grow the value" of your assets. Fine. But tell the truth when you do it.

At this point in time assets North of Carroll County do not look as rosy as they once did. If you have ground to lease, try to find someone to lease it. Most companies are gone. CHK even pulled DPS Penn out of East Liverpool last week.


EAST LIVERPOOL - Natural gas leasing company DPS Penn has closed its East End office, which opened in 2010 and served as a base for the company's leasing operations in Columbiana County. DPS refers to Dale Property Services Penn and is a privately held company focused on the development of natural resources in western Pennsylvania and portions of Ohio. The company has been leasing gas and oil rights in Columbiana, Jefferson and Harrison counties in Ohio as well Allegheny, Armstrong, Greene and Westmoreland counties in Pennsylvania.

Remember assets are only worth what someone is willing to PAY for them. Buckeye 2600 was correct when he put up this post. Landowners in the southern area are getting offers. When was the last time you got an offer to buy your mineral rights? My area stopped getting offers some time ago (South East Columbiana).

Just the facts guy. Sometimes your stock goes up, sometime it goes down.


PS My BP and Exxon were both up today!

What facts ?

The opinion that so called deep Utica PP in southeast Ohio is the only region that is an economic producer remains unproven and is not fact (in my opinion).

Also economics change with numerous variables such as added infrastructure.

I read U. S. as too critical of the north to suit me and mine and I register my complaint on that basis.

I wish you good fortune on your BP and Exxon investments.

Maybe BP already has a buyer for their northern Utica position and contributes to your good fortune ? ? ! ! ? ?


I have some advise for you. Stay away from the stock market.


Thanks Keith but your quite late with your advice as I took that same advice by my own direction many years ago.

I've always had serious trust issues.

Cynical is the best word to use to describe me I guess.


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