Are the (upcoming shortly) Keeneyville wells the only Utica wells currently anticipated for Tioga County?  Have any Utica wells already been drilled in the county, and if so where?

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    Do you know of any activities around Middlebury Center near the state forest along norris brook road?

A Utica/point pleasant well has been in existence for about 9 months at the Clark Gee pad about a mile east of Keeneyville.  It has been shipping gas for maybe four months.  At least two wells have been drilled, and fracked I think into the Utica in a ten mile radius of that.  The Neal pad in Little Marsh has one.  A Sharret Pad near Beechwood Lake has one.  I have heard of one near Oceola to the north.  I think the Watkins pad in Little Marsh may be under drilling currently.

Brian, thank you so much for that information.  You have definitely helped me expand my Utica knowledge base.  What you are reporting is remarkable and quite helpful.

At one time, in the past, there were those who claimed all the Utica opportunity is way west of here.  That was then, this is now.  With so much undeveloped Marcellus gas about, I can understand a lack of Utica focus here.  But I think it could be an oversight.

Landowners who continue to own their Utica rights, though, need to be aware that in PA forced pooling can be imposed on them where those rights are concerned.  This is not true with Marcellus shale.  It's an important distinction.

You are welcome Frank.  I do understand that Utica wells fall below a horizon in which the DEP has well spacing jurisdiction.  I could also foresee the DEP insisting on a closer, more realistic well spacing so that vast chunks of land are not HBP with one useless vertical "holder" well, but that will never happen.  Nothing governmental goes for the favor of the land owner.  Too much quiet money flowing in the back doors.

You seem well informed about quite a lot of drilling proceedures.  Why would Shell keep drilling exploratory holes down into the Blackriver/Trenton several hundred feet deeper upon initial vertical drilling of these Utica wells in Tioga County?  Some say it is just to find the lower limit of the Utica/ Point Pleasant.  I think it is a large, added expense and going a long way further down for some mystery reason.  Any thoughts on it?


Thanks, Brian.  Apologize I do not have the answer to your question.  Exploration does seem a reasonable possibility, though.  When you're Shell an amount of money, which surely would be significant to the likes of you and me, is merely a pittance.

Yeah, I'm glad they can afford to put survey posts in the ground.  that way, if one of their personnel shows up on a pad, a person can sight across the post to see if they are moving.  They are kind of like mushrooms.  Nothing happens for months, one morning they suddenly pop up, but nothing really happens.

And  they are now fracking a well in Osceola Twp. and at the same time running a pipe from the pad. this will be the first well in the hood to be put in production, this will take several weeks, far as i know the well to be hooked up is Utica. If this works as expected after a 3-6 month test the pace should quicken in northern tioga co as there are lots of pads ready for rigs to move onto...... time will tell , they did mention drilling will go on for the next 200 years , still early, so tell the grandkids to be patient ?

Are there any new wells going up in Mansfield Pa? With Shell?

Dunno. But isn't Mansfield a bit far south for Utica wells?

Sharrett Well in Clymer Twp. has 3 wells with one being a Uticia.......looked at the pressure gauge last week and it showed 5500 PSI.......

The one Marcellus was showing 3000 PSI............

Well site should be tied in and producing from all 3 wells by Labor Day if not sooner


Useful information - thanks. The deeper the well the higher the pressure, so this is what you'd expect. Pressure and volume aren't correlated, however, so it's still not clear which well will do better. The Utica pressure is actually lower than I would have expected, and I hope that's not a problem.


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