Does anyone know where you can get copies of the declarations of pooling/unitization online for Doddridge?  Either free or for purchase.

Thank you,

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I don't think Doddridge has its documents (leases etc) online yet. If somebody knows, please tell us. Otherwise perhaps the company can supply it.

I found them -- in case anyone else needs them, they can be found here: 

Declarations of pooling are listed under document type "ASGMT/U".  You can't print or save them, but you can view them.

How did you find that link, Heather? Very interesting. I'm trying to find a similar site for Ritchie County, WV. Thanks for sharing.
Ron, in Ritchie the documents are in uslandrecords . com. Select West Virginia then Ritchie. Free to use the index and get a short summary but costs to view a doc. I was just in Harrisville this week and a researcher for an o&g company told me that Antero paid for the free online records for Dodde, Tyler and a few others, but Ritchie already had this pay for it uslandrecords.

Hi Nancy, I never received a notification for your response and just happened to find this. Thanks for your info. Are you saying that Antero "subsidized" the cost to make the records available to the public? I did find something similar for Ritchie Co. It lists the taxes paid on mineral rights, land, etc. 

Hi Ron, I read somewhere on this or another website about Antero paying for the document searches for Doddridge, Tyler, and probably other counties.

Ritchie documents

Ritchie taxes does not have West Virginia documents!  I found the link Nancy Thanks!

Doddridge county records

Ritchie stopped using the USLandrecords a year ago. 

Here is a Link to the Ritchie County discussion on the records

Let me know if you have any questions. I also have links for Tyler and Wetzel. And Wood

Here is the link to all the Doddridge County Records online. You can search by company. Then sort by Document. I personally use 'Snipping Tool' to save a pic of any record I want to keep.


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