Does anyone know where I can obtain a list of inpoundments in the state of PA?  I am aware that each drill site builds an inpoundment for fracking.  I'm looking for the large central inpoundments that are +13M/gals.


Thank you,



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Kevin, at least in NE PA, the impoundments are going the way of the dodo bird.  Most all operators up here are now storing all fluids in steel tanks. For the rest of PA, I can't say, but you might try DEP's website. I do believe that the impoundments must be permitted.

Thank you Ross.



I agree with you regarding backflow water impoundments. Many operations today are going closed cycle, exactly as you suggest.

But here in NEPA, freshwater impoundments are proliferating like baby rabbits in the springtime. They are being built EV-RY-WHERE!!


  Where are you at in NEPA?  Been drilling in Susquehanna Co for the last year and a half and saw more cuttings and flowback pits than I ever care to see again. Now over in Sullivan Co, closed loop and no impoundments in sight. Not doubting your word, just curious where and if you know, what operator(s)?



I think Frank is referring to freshwater ponds and lakes to supply water for the fracture process, not flowback slick water. Flowback is contained in steel tanks and trucked to disposal sites.

Yes, that's right.  But the PA DEP does refer to them as "freshwater impoundments".  I know this because I track the permits for these things, the ones close to me.


I'm in western Bradford.  Talisman is King here (near to where I live), and they are running very clean, a closed loop system.  The flowback water is handled exactly as you suggest.


In my view, impoundments for flowback water are undesirable.  The closed system is far preferable.  Freshwater impoundments are fine.  Flowback water impoundments:  not so much!!  Talisman runs a first class, very professional operation.  They are highly regarded. 


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