Why are we fighting the wrong battle? Instead of Fighting to Allow Hydrofracing using WATER, we could be pooling our resources to REQUIRE Hydrofracing to USE "Liquified Petroleum" ..

http://ww.gasfrac.com, a Toronto based firm, developed a technology 4 years ago to use essentially "Propane"  as the FRACING fluid..

1. NO Water exposure

2. NO Pollution

3. doubles production on all wells

4. NO cleanup after

5. Half the ware and tear on the roads

6. over 300 Wells currently in production out in the midwest

7. you undercut any arguement from environmental groups


Sadly, almost no one is talking about this



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It has a higher pricetag up front, that is true, but only about 60%. That cost however is recovered by augmented production (almost double ) from same fracing process. There are no dangerous chemicals added to the Liquified Petroleum, and what you are basically doing is using the very same gas (liquified propane that you are extracting)  The real beauty, is that there is no Water involved at all, no flaring, no disposal costs, no Pollution

At present, there are over 300+ wells working with this process in the midwest, and it works just as easily on OIl Sands as Shale gas. The company is only 4 years old and a dramatic step forward in recovering resources without endagering the Public..

Even if there is an accident, the Propane will simply evaporate as it is itself under pressure, so spills are out, and risks to the environment are minimized to the point of non-existance.  and everyong benfits..

correct, Water uses compressors and chemicals from the surface, Propane or Liquified Petroleum, is naturally under oressure at the surface already, so all you have to do is pump it down and allow the natural decompression to occur, which is far more efficient and even than using water.  Please go their website and they explain it far better than I



all their wells are horizontal out west..  I have contacted a few friends in Colorado and wyoming.. and the companies claims are coming truthful...

ther would be no point to not being able to drill horizontally...

Between you and I, I am amazed at the lack of interest by people in this subject..

I mean there are over 4000 users on this site, and you are the only one interested in the most important issue in this industry ;-)

No wonder the country is in the shape it is...

Jean, thanks for your information on this subject and the supportive link.  You have to be a little patient with us on this website, historically, Sunday is a very slow day :-)
if you can't get gas lease , buy this company's stock . you will be a very happy man in 12-18 months ;-) they have gone from 1$ to 7$ in 12 months and thats only on 300 wells, there are a potential 2.4 million wells today

good for you, we in NYS are playing a waiting game. I have been discussing this tech for over 1 year and been researching it.. I am simply amazed at people affected by potential pollution and this moratorium that they don't even take the time to try and solve the logjam.. This "gas to drill for gas" approach makes so much sense ( in several ways, logicaly, Physically, and monetarily) it's scary, which begs the question,

Why are people not even reading about it here. The MIdwest has jumped all over it, strangely, to make themselves more comptetive against the Marcellus Shale ;-)?


I reguested from Gas Frac Energy Service Corp President McDonald  on 1/12/2011 to please contact me to discuss his company and information on Gas Wells they are presently Fracing.

However as of today I have not receives any reply fron GAS FRAC ENERGY SERVICE CORP.

We are ingaged in Natural Gas and Oil Development and Production in KY and W.VA. We presently have over 150 Gas and Oil wells we are Fracing and reworking. 

Any members who has had experience with GAS FRAC ENERGY SERVICES, please give me your thoughts and inputs.

Jim Anderson

V. P


EM: motels@aol.com

I have a couple of emails for them, I will try and initiate contact for you



Very interested in learning and veiwing  sites they are presently

fracing in US or Canada.


We all need to do out part in saving our enviroment for our kids and grandkids.


Any other like Frac Companies you have info on I would like to explore.


Thanks again,


Jim Anderson



EM: motels@aol.com



Head Office: Calgary, Alberta

GASFRAC Energy Services Inc.
Suite 850, 101 – 6 Ave. S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 3P4
Tel: (403) 237-6077
Fax: (403) 269-3722


Jennifer will answer

this is a little more information abuot teh Stock play


I have calls into 3 people for you, will let you knwo shortly


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