Has anyone received a royalty (NOT bonus) payment from Antero?

Hello, all! I'm in an Antero unit that went to sales on July 21. According to my contract, I'm supposed to begin getting royalties six months from the first day of the month after that, which would be February 1, 2015. I have heard that they are consistently late in paying royalties, and that they're behind on issuing division orders. Has anyone out there received a royalty (NOT signing bonus) payment from Antero? Anyone received a Division Order yet? Just curious if this is a good company to be dealing with. They seem to be a great producer. Thanks for anything anyone is willing to share. By the way, I'm in the Vorhies unit. The initial production numbers are up on their company presentation and they look pretty good!

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In my case, I went by the ODNR production reports where they say how many days the well produced.

Today I received a division order for my first unit.  It is a one-page affair.

Congrats, Carl. That doesn't sound like a division order, though. I hear they run hundreds of pages. I received a call from an Antero representative this week verifying my mailing address. Looks like my plot in Senecaville can expect to receive the DO within a few weeks... Here we go!


Division orders are typically just one page.


I think you might be thinking of a document put together prior to the Division Order, called the Division Order Title Opinion.  The DOTO, I believe, can be quite lengthy.  The paperwork I received clearly says "Division Order" on it.

In the envelope was a cover letter, two copies of the Division Order (one for my records, one to return), an instruction page, and two pages about having my checks directly deposited.

Based on the division order title opinion, the company then prepares a division order for each owner entitled to payment on production from the well and sends it to the owner

See more detail here:  http://www.oilandgaslawyerblog.com/2011/04/division-orders-what-you...

Whats the royalty rates with anterro?


or 18%. Depends. And remember they want some of that back by "sharing" the costs of processing, transporting, etc. Somebody said his attorney estimated that a 18% allowing deductions is about like a 12.5% with no deductions.

My rate with Antero is 20 percent.

Well that would be a pleasant surprise, Carl! Remind me - is yours from Antero? It sure would be a lot easier for an attorney to sign off on a one-pager than a 300-pager! Thanks for the info and the link...

Yes, I am with Antero.  On the parcel covered by this unit, I was unfortunately under an old lease at just 12.5%.  On another one, I signed up at a higher rate, similar to yours. 

(remember, the landowners did not all negotiate as a single block, so not only will they have different royalty rates, they will also have different leases altogether.  May the best negotiator win, right?)


    It's possible that all the Millionaires were made before producers decided to "Reduce Production Costs" in 2014.

I've heard lately that two more producers are rationing the Royalties to landowners almost as if they have heard how well that's working for the "Oklahoma Boys".

I hope you do well, but you might want to take the Guarded Optimism approach in case this new way of not paying royalties is catching on.

No one warned me of what was to come the day I got my first Royalty Statement. In fact I found a message about my producer on line that laughed at everyone for thinking our producer could be trusted.

Just a word of caution. One company goes out of it's way to prove that life is not fair when it comes to payment for minerals taken. Theft is illegal for everyone but O&G companies. You'll find their money has provided immunity from your states laws, but hopefully not the Federal Laws. 

We have been receiving our royalties from Antero for 4 months now, they started 9 months after well went into production, but they caught up up 6 months so we are always 3 months behind but have been getting monthly payments on time.  We live in corner of Monroe/Noble County in Ohio.  Our contract included interest in anything that was more than 3 months from production so they also paid us the interest.  We got our division order and starting getting royalties one month later.  Very happy with Antero, when you get your division order there is a contact # to call if you have any questions and they normally return the call with 48 hours, they are very helpful!


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