I read just a few lines in GASFRAC's press release of 11/14/14 that says:

"GASFRAC has just commenced fracturing its first well in the Utica Shale formation.  A number of exploration and production companies have an ownership interest in this well and are closely monitoring the project with the potential for GASFRAC to perform fracturing services on other wells in the Utica Shale formation."

Here is link to press release, but I have quoted all that is stated about the Utica fracking.


Now today I read some comments made by EV Energy Partners saying:

"In other news EV Energy Partners said production could begin in December on a much watched Utica oil well in Tuscarawas County.  The company drilled the experimental well with eight other industry partners Walker(company's executive chairman) said. "This is a test of what could be EnerVest and EVEP's most valuable asset in the Utica," he said.  Getting oil from the Utica shale has proven to be difficult for drillers to date.  That well near Uhrichsville is being hydraulically fractured or fracked with liquid butane and mineral oil.  That should be complete in two weeks.  "We're excited but cautious as we are bringing new technology to bear in this process,"  said company president and CEO Mark Houser.  "We are in the middle of the completion operations and have completed five of the 20 (fracking) stages so far."

Source of these comments is at:


Question is who are the other eight partners?

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Chesapeake Energy testing waterless fracking at Ohio well

Mar 11, 2015, 1:18pm EDT Updated: Mar 11, 2015, 1:21pm EDT


Tom Knox
Reporter- Columbus Business First

Chesapeake Energy Corp. is partnering with GasFrac Energy Services Inc. to test waterless fracking at one of its Ohio oil wells.

The most-active driller in the Utica shale play is in the early stages of the test on a Tuscarawas County well, the company confirmed.

"One of our partners (EV Energy Partners) attempted to use the technology," said Chris Doyle, executive vice president of operations for Chesapeake's northern division. "We're using that technology and we want to test that out and see if it could drive additional value."

GasFrac (OTCPK:GSFVF), based in Calgary, Alberta, made waves late last year when it started testing its first waterless fracking well, also in Tuscarawas County. It partnered on that well with EV Energy (NYSE:EVEP), whose CEO Mike Mercer said this month the test well was fracked with liquid butane and mineral oil.

Waterless fracking is appealing because of concerns about the large amounts of water used in the hydraulic fracturing process, which involves injecting fluid, including water, into cracks in shale formations to release gas or oil. A cost- and operational-effective alternative could help remedy one of the industry's major environmental concerns.

Doyle cautioned that the test is in the very early stages, so it's unclear yet if it's something the company would use going forward. Nonetheless, it's a potential plus for the future of waterless fracking and the company whose technology is seen as the best chance yet to crack the issue.

With oil prices more than half of what they were a year ago, don't expect any quick successes for waterless fracking or Ohio oil drilling in general.

Chesapeake, (NYSE:CHK) the No. 2 natural gas driller in the U.S., says Utica's oil window provides some value, but it's long-term. There is no rush. Nonetheless, it is optimistic.

"No other company has the chance to make the oil window work," Doyle told me

I was incorrect  about Halliburton buying gasfrac. it was a company out of Canada called step energy services. no word on weather the stock will be good or canceled.

Thanks jdl.

Went to their Home Page on the web.

They have a little info. there.

I read they're into Nitrogen fracturing in Western Canada.

Maybe now (that they bought out Gasfrac) they'll also get involved with Butane Fracturing and perhaps in the USA as well ?

Going to try and keep an eye on this outfit.

talked to 2  workers yesterday dealing with Parker well frack for chk almost finished and said it is looking real good.gasfrack is doing the frack.

You wrote that a company named 'gasfrack' is doing the 'frack'.

Is that a new company or a typo. ?

Keep us informed jdl.


spelled it wrong Joe same co but bought out by step energy.I have ben buying gsfvf stock for less than a penny lately to recover purchases in the past for almost a dollar. don't know what may happen but aledegedly, chk has lots of work for them in Utica oil window. we shall see.did you ever see Utica oil? it looks like a glass of lauger beer.excuse my spelling please.the only thing interesting about the stock symbol is there is no Q behind the letters like most bankrupt companys have.

I think I've seen it (Utica Oil) at a couple of well head sites near roads I travel regularly but can't confirm it myself.  It appears to be floating on top of what appears to be 'black oil' at the bottom of a couple of those white plastic (milk colored almost transparent tanks).

Maybe you or other readers can confirm it's what I think it is ?

well, news from gasfrack reads there will be no compensation to common shareholders. the stock is nothing more than a trade now. also there were no new permits issued last week in the ohio Utica play. things appear to be getting ugly.

The towellheads did it to us again, this time they didn't have to blow up skyscrapers!

We've all seen it uglier.

Chin up.

Let's do a rain dance.


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