Who else is in my dilemma? My entire property has been or will be taken over by the oil and gas people. Well pad, access roads, pipelines from different companies crisscrossing every which way. It's got to the point where I really don't care anymore. I guess it's just the "nature of the beast".

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Thanks JD,what do you people have against property rights anyway, By the way all of my deeds say that I am a property owner not a surface rights and depending on the latest Ohio supreme court decision,these so called mineral deeds owners are going to start paying rent on their portable extractable minel stored on my land,Eminate Domain in  this cas is what happens when a state is gerrymandered to where one side of the state can steal money from the other,so I don't blame any citizen that resents it.


JD Stillwater.....I "feel you" brother. Your reply is totally true.

this post is more like a cry baby who got the money enough to early retire but doesnt want what he signed up for to happen .....to drill wells they must build pads to sell the product they need pipelines and you have been compensated for all this so called take over of yoour land .....if you signed on the dotted line you must live with it  so set on your porch and watch what you got for taking the money ......it seems you thought you get paid for using your land but they would never use it .......wrong ....you gave them the right to do what they are doing now you must live with it or sell the place and move on .....i will almost bet you been compensated more then your land is worth .....bet also you were not bitching when you went to the bank with your bonus moneis or your ROW monies .....and when your royalty checks start you will be smiling all the way to the bank instead of growing corn and cows your now growing oil wells and pipelines 

 You are getting what you were paid for   IMHO

Lessor's remorse

The royalty checks have been coming...approaching 2 years now.

This site has worked hard to make sure mineral owners are aware of the pitfalls of a standard oil and gas lease. Hopefully, you were aware of what you were signing and able to receive compensation. I always stress that the landowner get educated and then have an experience oil and gas attorney review the agreement. Hopefully many unpleased will read this taken step to adequately research their lease/mineral buyout before signing.

This is why one must fully understand the contract they are signing.....you should only sign something you know you can be comfortable living with.

I also live close to Majorsville companies told me they would be running pipelines through me for the next hundred years

as i posted, any regrets, land lost forever.

Oh it's not quiet that bad we have had pipelines in the ground on that farm for about a hundred years.
And trust me we are signing ROTs that my ancestors would have never dreamt of.

Since you're in such a hotspot with pipelines crisscrossing all over your land, maybe you could post some sage advice to help some fellow shalers out.

The terrain dictated where the pipelines would go. Without my property it would be impossible to go anywhere around me. What if I would have say no....not interested! I'm totally serious....there is no way around me. Rover and Leach Express are the next two in line.

My advice to my fellow shalers is to get the most money you can and get your contract loaded with addendum's. There are no hand shake deals...get it in writing.


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