I don't understand....how do you sit on top of two of the largest gas and oil deposits in the world and they raise the rate for electric. One would think that customers in wv oh and pa would at least benifit by lower utility bills Or at least stay the same, but raise it.
Tim, I agree. Its amazing how the last 6 1/2 years has killed king coal. I do not know if it will ever come back again. the jobs lost in this industry are astounding. shame on the local miners unions for pushing members to vote for this administration.
I have relatives in wv that worked in coal mines. they are all laid off scratching around trying to make ends meet. I feel sorry for them. maybe they need to build some GREEN windmills. what a joke.
We may have to switch to propane fridge,furnace,dryer,hot water heaters,lightsLOL
I am getting ready to convert to natural/propane gas for heat... My winter time electric bill is over 600.00... And I live alone. I keep heat on 65* only use hot water once or twice a day and do laundry twice a month. Propane is cheaper than electric for heat now than what it was 5 years ago..... Piss on A.E.P. and Obama's war on coal! LOL
I worked for the big electric company that powers OH, PA, and now WV.
The ceo was so very greedy, telling us in meetings how there was 35% more money he wanted to get out of Ohio customers.
He went from a 2.5 Million per year salary to $14 Million in one year. A pay raise of close to a 600%.
We suffered Downsizing 3 times that went towards more take home for the ceo and his "Team".
Corporations have Leadership Teams now to spread out the unethical method of doing business so the ceo doesn't take the heat for all of his bright money making (theft) ideas.
After we get the O&G companies operating within state & federal laws, we will have to focus on downsizing pay to corporation ceo's so the money that is being horded now can pay for employees to help relieve the overworked employees that remain after all the greedy downsizing. We might even have another "middle class" if we get the ceo take home pay under control. Not to mention that box of cookies you like that keeps getting smaller, might stabilize at the same size and price for a few years.
I noticed that the managers promoted after several downsizings typically have Anger Management Issues that can be focused on the employees to increase production. Before I downsized the greedy ceo, working at this corporation reminded me of how Henry Ford hired Thugs in the early 1900s to rough up the employees in order to keep the assembly lines running smoothly, as well as prevent unionization.
Wow, that all sounds so negative!
The truth isn't always Rosie kids, that's why they call it the TRUTH.
Its called greed my friends.... The current administration in Washington is intent on weakening us at home and abroad. Our enemies don't fear us as the super power that we are and our allies and friends don't trust us because we don't keep our word. We let our enemies cross the "red line" with out consequences and kowtow to those intent on our destruction, ( ISIS, Iran and N. Korea), among others. We could put the Saudi's out of business now or greatly diminish their wealth with our own oil and gas if we could export it to Europe. We still buy from Venezuela, a country whose government hates us. Obama's policies on coal is why our electric bill increase's which leaves us less money to realize our dreams and be more financially secure. They don't want us to be self sufficient they want us dependent on the government so they can control everything we do.... The signs of the times point to something 'big' getting ready to happen in the Mid- East that will affect the whole world and I don't believe there's anyway to prevent it. As long as our Government kisses the ass of Islam we will be under this threat...
You can thank your state legislators and the federal administration. Ohio, WV and PA all have laws that require electric generation to come at least 12.5% from certain renewable sources-primarily solar and wind, even though that energy is considerably more costly than from traditional sources like coal or gas. It is only going to get worse. These standards are usually required to increase over the next 10 years. Electricity costs in mandate states are 40% higher than states without them. For example, Calilfornia has one of the highest renewable percentage standards. Electricity there is 2-3 times the cost paid by users in a state like Wyoming with no renewable requirement. See this
We are probably saved for the present from having Congress mandate this for all states. Colorado Senator Udall (defeated in the last election) had introduced a bill to require all states to produce at least 20% from these more expensive sources. Bur groups like the Environmental Defense Council continue to push of national renewable requirements.
Add to this the president's promise to put the coal fired power plants out of business and it is easy to see that electricity costs are not going down or even staying level. The new EPA standards for power plants (existing and new) almost guaranty that new coal plants will not be built and existing ones will be shut down.
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