Collusion ? Government Favoring (Private) Renewable Energy Industry ?

Take the above link, check out the article and discuss.

What do you folks think ?

Take the above link to see what % of Electrical Energy is generated by Natural Gas, Coal, Renewables, etc. ?

Excerpted :

' What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source?

In 2014, the United States generated about 4,093 billion kilowatthours of electricity.1  About 67% of the electricity generated was from fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and petroleum).

Major energy sources and percent share of total U.S. electricity generation in 2014:

Coal = 39%
Natural gas = 27%
Nuclear = 19%
Hydropower = 6%
Other renewables = 7%
Biomass = 1.7%
Geothermal = 0.4%
Solar = 0.4%
Wind = 4.4%
Petroleum = 1%
Other gases < 1%
1 Preliminary data.

Learn more:

Monthly Energy Review: Electricity

Last updated: March 31, 2015


Can customers choose their electricity supplier?
Does EIA have county-level energy production data?
Does EIA have data on each power plant in the United States?
Does EIA have data on the costs for electricity transmission and distribution?
Does EIA have electricity prices by state?
Does EIA have energy consumption and price data for cities, counties, or by zip code?
Does EIA have maps or information on the location of electric power plants and transmission lines in the United States?
Does EIA have projections for energy production, consumption, and prices for individual states?
Does EIA publish data on peak or hourly electricity generation, demand, and prices?
Does EIA publish electric utility rate, tariff, and demand charge data?
How is electricity used in U.S. homes?
How many and what kind of power plants are there in the United States?
How many nuclear power plants are in the United States, and where are they located?
How many smart meters are installed in the United States, and who has them?
How much coal, natural gas, or petroleum is used to generate a kilowatthour of electricity?
How much does it cost to build different types of power plants in the United States?
How much does it cost to generate electricity with different types of power plants?
How much electricity does a nuclear power plant generate?
How much electricity does an American home use?
How much electricity is lost in transmission and distribution in the United States?
How much electricity is used for lighting in the United States?
How much energy is consumed in the world by each sector?
How much of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions are associated with electricity generation?
How much of world energy consumption and electricity generation is from renewable energy?
What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source?
What is the difference between electricity generation capacity and electricity generation?
What is the efficiency of different types of power plants?
What is the outlook for home heating fuel prices this winter?
What types and amounts of energy are produced in each state? '

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Lot of lookers but no opinions.

Waiting to see what may precipitate myself.

Joseph,  Thanks for the informative post.  The Obama administration is on it's way out for sure, but I am afraid we are already doomed.  Our society is weak willed and unsure of anything.  No common sense anywhere and kid's minds being poisoned by liberal agendas and manipulated media.

Sadly all recent Presidents continue to push the bounds of their authority and introduce policy in many covert ways. All the while our populace stands by and lets it happen. When do we push back and say enough with this power grab?

The majority of the electorate have no clue what is going on, yet they get to vote. Scary times indeed.

I myself wonder why no government subsidy to industries that actually (and constantly) reduce carbon emissions (instead of only those that do so but only on an intermittent basis) ?

Like, why no subsidy to the Natural Gas industry and conversion toward it's use ?

Natural Gas is ours / it's here now / burning it as fuel (instead of oil / diesel / gasoline) reduces carbon emissions by 1/3 (as I understand it).

What's up with that ?

The green movement, having already had success there, has moved past their "beyond coal" initiative and on to a new "beyond natural gas" movement.  In the UK, the same sort of activists have what they call the "keep it in the ground" program.

Bottom line is their desire to eliminate all fossil fuel use ASAP.  Now ASAP likely will not be very soon.  But you can take this to the bank:  ASAP will be a LOT less than 200 years!!  Yet we as landowners are sitting on a 200 year supply of natural gas.

Remember:  green is the new red.  In-the-shale landowners, absent a massive change in America's leadership (both political parties) and/or full revelation/exposition of the global warming hoax, should try to cash in now.  Prospects for your grandchildren, or even your kids, might not measure up to your hopes and dreams unless things change drastically.  I see no indication of that change on the horizon.

To Joseph-Ohio:

This thread and topic are much appreciated.  Thank you.  I'd like to think this might wake landowners up.  Sadly, I doubt it will.  Most have their heads in the sand or direct their attentions elsewhere.  But you deserve credit for having made the attempt. 

Thinking we're going to need more support than just we landowners to change things (as I believe we're very much in the minority on the grand scale).

We need Public support.

Thinking the Natural Gas Industry could help itself by keeping a good margin between the cost of Natural Gas vs. Electricity and even Diesel and Gasoline as fuels.

Also a Natural Gas advertising / promotional / informational campaign to reach out to the public would be helpful / in order IMO.

Looks like we need as much help as we can get as it appears to me (based on the article) misinformation / misleading special interests may be prevailing.

Keep Natural Gas economical, promote conversion and publicize the truth.

That would be the best medicine IMHO.

Offering here, from an impeccable, absolutely unimpeachable author, a person of great renown having a splendid reputation, an item providing more perspective on the theme of this thread.

From an author known to many!! 

Frank Walker,

Thank you for the link to (our publisher's) Keith Mauck's letter.

His letter says it ALL (pertaining to the most severe damage to our domestic energy structure) that has already been done and is being contemplated / discussed / deliberated by those so empowered lawmakers.

Also, IMHO :
Disproportionate governmental attention / favor to an insignificant segment of our country's domestic energy production structure strikes at the heart of the debacle;
is the way I read it too.
The reference projects only a 10% contribution to the U.S.A's. energy consumption by year 2040.
A high pitched and extended - Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat ?  Penalize the entire country's energy structure / population for such a little / minor / pee-pee contribution / projected contribution ?  That just doesn't make any sense at all to me.  
How about other readers ? 
More inverted thinking / action by the empowered is beyond disgusting - more like sickening.
Where do they learn to think / behave that way ?
From their campaign contributors ?
Any feather bedding going on here I wonder ?

Now - how to proceed to bring them all back to reality and working for we the people and OUR country / it's domestic well being / economy / prosperity ?
Suggestions please.
Why is it that leadership positions are always filled by those who seem / appear to care nothing about our domestic well being / economy / citizenry prosperity and instead, seem to care more / tremendously about all of those things in reference to any other country ?  Seemingly even to the point of sacrificing those things here at home in order to deliver them to foreign states / countries. 

To me that tendency represents the absolute definition of senselessness / stupidity / madness.

It  also seems to me that those that run for offices in our country's government and then end up getting elected are always the ones with the silver spoons in their mouths and are furnished fresh silver spoons (non-stop) by special interests.  This is a sick, sick, sick government if you ask me. 

This system seems bent on destroying the common sense government of our country.

Maybe those empowered within this system find it easier to hoodwink the confused and disoriented so they continue to serve up as much confusion and nonsense as possible.

Maybe it's because the hoodwinkers / radical nonsense generators / silver spooners are encouraged (and paid) throughout their life and looked up to because they seem (to others / the empowered) to be able to fool the most people - which might be thought to be (by the empowered) the signature of great intelligence.  So they proceed to do their best worst and don't really care at all if it runs the country into oblivion doing it.

Unbelievable - but, I do believe - as it seems to be happening and has been happening for quite awhile now - actually for as long as I can remember.


I dunno.  Dude, I don't live in Ohio.  If some day Ohioans cease and desist electing jackasses like drunken crybaby John Boenher to Congress, please get in touch and we can talk.  Until then, things will continues as is.  And while you're at it, you can have a talk with your neighbors across the river in Kentucky, who foolishly again elected that old fart Mitch McConnell to the Senate.  I don't live in Kentucky, either;  it's not my fault.

Thanks to Ohio and Kentucky, the once respectable Republican party has today become "the party of nothing can be done".  The no fight, go along to get along, Republicans in both states disgust me beyond words.  I wonder if any of them draw the line at cutting up babies and selling the parts.  I doubt they do.  The only way to remain on the good side of Republicans in those states is to smile broadly, make no waves, and do whatever the filthy, despicable, Democrats want!!


They all hatch from identical eggs.

On that basis alone it seems hopeless.


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