I just want to be clear that this is a map I made using the ITG information as a base map. I would be happy to discuss my findings.


Another map - https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/97616115?profil...

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this map is 2 years old a lot of new info has been produced since then making this map out dated  there has been many new wells drilled since then with big results outside of your so called fairway look at Wetzel county wv for example look at uticas in pa drilled by shell

need to up date your map look at Washington and greene counties in pa

Can anyone provide the more recent map?
To me it translates / looks like they'll be using pump jacks / artificial / supplimental pressurization for the most of the Ohio Oil Window once development starts.

So what - that's been done for a long time.

Of course not having to create pressure and using natural geopressure to bring production up from the depths is easiest / (I'll guess) most economical.

How do you see it JJI,PG,CPG ?

I am adding 1 more map for you. The bottom line is to be economically viable, a .6 gradient or more is essential, Less than that and all companies have pulled out of those areas. Moving East, the wells become bigger because the PSI gradient will higher and dryer with depth. This is an overlay of my PSI Gradient Map over Initial results. The base map was provided by friends of mine. My updated maps are being used for professional reasons.

Thanks JJI,PG,CPG,

I think as economics change (and they do as everyone knows and sees / has recently seen in the Oil 'Market') so will production.

How long it will take the areas west to see increased development is a guess at best - but I'll offer when politics change (and I'll predict a major change in 2016) things will pick up.

In this lull, I would like to see more investment in infrastructure as well as more wells developed in anticipation of change.

Good luck to all of us.

Would like more clarification (actually a definition) on the term 'PSI Gradient'.

PSI/Ft = Pound per Square Inch / Foot ?

If so per foot of what (vertical lift perhaps) ?

Can you provide ?

Would like to know what wre're talking about for sure (eliminating the supposes / guesswork) if possible.


I have a few free minutes to discuss. 412-997-0057
The. Red dotted line is right on my house. In Tusc. What ca I expect?

J J I, interesting discussion you started here.  When you project the gradient lines into the NE, Crawford, Mercer, Venango, how did you determine where to project the lines given the lack of data points, and is that why you cut the map at that point?   Also, a source told me the Staab well by Pymatuning contained paraffin, which has slowed that production (or ceased it).   What comment/opinion would you care to make, given that info, or any more you'd care to share.   What comments would you make on Crawford Co, overall.

 Thanks, in advance,   mark

multily the depth of the point pleasant times the pressure gradient and that is what the well psi will be. If the gradient is less than .6, the well won't generate enough psi to move fluids in the wet gas areas economically. Using the two maps I provided you can see where and why the wells are placed.
Meaning 'economically' when applying today's prices / values and current harvesting techniques / technology for the various production I gather ?

I think that there is 'future value / pricing' to consider (albeit impossible for anyone other than the insiders to even attempt to apply / calculate).

Another important factor affecting economics (and also impossible for a layman to estimate) are improvements in recovery / harvesting techniques.

I wonder also exactly what production does your calculation consider ?

Natural Gas, Natural Gas Liquids, Oil, dry Gas / all of the preceding ?

Another question comes to mind is how often you perform the economic exercise described ?

Does it depend on the severity of any changes to the variables involved ?

Just very curious and hope you can share more insight.

One thing I've learned that never changes as time has passed (and passes) is that you can always count on things changing (economics included).

I mean even when prices were at their highest, the wells with a psi gradient less than.6 were not economical. The reason is as you move West the formation,as it gets shallower, the product is more oily and less gas driven . This is why operations moved east in order to get deeper and generate more pressure. This is unfortunate but true. Maybe one day they will find a way to deal with this issue, but that day is not today. They would like to get to the oil area but there isn't enough pressure in that window to move fluids at an economic rate. And that's when oil was 100 dollars a barrel.


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