I need some input on this. I was contacted by the operator about them wanting to widen the existing gathering line ROW (from well pad to compressor station) from 50 foot to 100 foot wide. They make no mention for payment for pipelines that will go into the widened ROW. The money offered  for the additional ROW is a joke. I'll contact my attorney to handle this. How much is the ball in my court for this? To me, it's like negotiating a whole new ROW.

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Is it for permanent or "temporary"? May just be needed for construction for additional pipeline in that 50 foot ROW. Have the attorney look at original ROW to determine how much leverage you have. If you have leverage than you can just say no unless they pay you what you want.
The original ROW might be for 50 feet permanent ROW but allow for temporary working area during construction. Also the original ROW probably didn't limit it to only 1 line. Depending on size of pipe they can easily fit 5 lines in 50 foot width. I won't be surprised to see staggered lines at 2 different depths in some areas. At some point the bottle necks will be impossible to get additional ROWs. Of course the deeper ones should go in first. But one never knows ! Just a question of most efficient way of doing it. They do buy houses and bulldoze them.

It's for a permanent ROW. The 'original' ROW was for 50 feet width and they want another 50 feet. This would amount to a permanent 100 foot wide ROW. Plus they asked for another 25 feet for temp work space.

Remember they need what you have ..........all you need is their money make sure your working with a good attorney and get all you can ......you will be paying taxes on that land for the rest of time but not be allowed to use it

Make sure any timber that is piled up for you. Is piled on the side where you don't have to cross the pipeline.

If it's Cardinal Pipeline, they will own your right of way if you sign their document. We went through this a few years back. It would make sense that they would come through a 2nd time to pick off unsuspecting landowners with a new approach.

By the way, has anyone seen the Cardinal Pipeline being laid in the ROWs contracts they  collected? I figured not.

Not Cardinal.

Hi Ron,

The cardinal representative came to visit a day or two after we hired our lawyer to handle it.  He was somewhat taken aback when we told him we had a lawyer handling details. Now today a crew is coming to do a little checking on the exact path they wish to take.

And by the way, he did mention that he saw several of my postings on this site earlier a few weeks ago...

 Bill L.


     Cardinal came through two neighborhoods where I own land. They had a generic ROW contract that paid a small amount for one pipeline, that they didn't intend to install.

My neighbor had a lawyer that made some changes to the ROW contract and gave it back to the Cardinal Rep who scratched out all the changes he had made, then gave it to my neighbor to sign.

There's a world of information you need to know before signing a ROW contract.

One good way to check if the Pipeline Co. is honest is to check for a Survey Map with the ROW path on your property attached. If there's no survey map, you will surely be taken advantage of. 

I have a poor opinion of what Cardinal Pipeline did to others in Columbiana County OH and Beaver County PA.

You had better be sharp or you will end up kicking yourself in the rump after signing a ROW with them. 

Ask them to sign a statement that they intend to install a "Cardinal Pipeline" on your property. I'm quite sure they plan on having another company install a pipeline on your land and they will be paid for the ROW not you, since they will own the ROW to every foot of your land.

Just another money making scheme in the O&G play to take what was yours and make it theirs.


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