Ray Charles could have seen this coming.

Maybe they need to stockpile/purchase some more leases they can't drill.  Yuck, yuck. 

Gulfport spent a ton of money on financially wretched prospects other Okies generated.  When I would read about the transactions I always thought to myself: "these Okies are flinging billions of dollars between themselves, saving each others hides by finding new victims and wasting other peoples money.  There is something very wrong/toxic here."

There has to be a reckoning.  A terrible reckoning!

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Cool story, bro. I wonder why they were here yesterday to survey for a temporary water line to reach the drill pad they just poured on the hill behind my property?

Of course, I don't know the reason/intention. I'm not privy. 

Nevertheless, I'd bet my well worn paperback copy of  Pascal's Pensees, sitting right here on my desk,  that it's an attempt to give your lease a patina of operations so they can call you held by the continuous operations clause.

It appears you believe you're about to arrive.

Bon voyage brave Achilles!

Like so much in this business:

those who know-- won't say;

those who say-- don't know!

Doesn't matter to me, I have no skin in the game. I have no lease, and no interest in a fire hose across my land. I figured they were not letting this many people in this region get rich. It seems like a scam to obtain rights. I live simple, and can survive and prosper on what I make. When they take my property with forced pooling, we will cross that bridge. Meanwhile, it is work, hunt and enjoy my weekends. Makes me rich enough.


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