I'm confused. How does the Keystone Pipeline affect us here in the Marcellus/Utica region? Will it interfere with the drilling here?


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What exactly is an 'upgrader' TMP ?

Some kind of mini cracking tower or something ?


A Bitumen To Synthetic Crude Upgrader photo I found on the Net.

Looks like a 'PROCESS' !

Nothing much 'Mini' about the one I found.

Sheesh !

At first, I thought the 'Upgrader' was going to be some kind of skid mounted lidded tank with a few nozzles, and an agitator mechanism which would discharge via pump into another dump / storage tank (or a few dump / storage tanks) with more pumps to discharge from storage into the takeaway pipe. All skid mounted / some small assembly.

You know, drop the bitumen into the 1st lidded tank, add a dose of naptha, agitate and transfer the mix to the dump / storage tanks.

Guess I was wrong ! !


Noting that the 'Upgraders' (perhaps only some 'Upgraders / the ones I've read about on the Net) recover Naphtha as part of it's processing.  

That would mean to me that Naphtha (from somewhere) is added to the Bitumen prior to being processed by the Upgrader.

The references I've read on the Net today said that Upgraders are typically found near Oil Sands production which is consistent with what you've told us.

Re.: Naphtha at 'Upgraders'

Thinking now that probably very little NEW Naphtha is required at the 'Upgraders' since it is probably recycled continuously requiring very little 'MAKE-UP' Naphtha to be added.

Just guessing here.

PS : Wishing all Happy Thanksgiving.


The above link should take you to a Canadian magazine article that I think sheds a bit of light on 'Upgraders' and Keystone XL.

There are links to other articles of interest at the bottom of the linked article's last page.


Another very informative article regarding oil sands extraction and 'Upgraders' should be accessible via the above link.

Build the Keystone Pipeline. Good for the USA!!! Not just one or two areas. The Obama administration energy policy is foolish!!!

We're on your bus deer spotter.

Thank you so much, Joseph-Ohio, for bringing Oil Sands Magazine to our attention!

I have spent several hours reading it.  What a treasure!  I know I will return to it again and again to fill in the many gaps in my knowledge.


Bet I got more and bigger gaps than yours friend ! !


Obama has cheated the nation for his own petty, self serving purposes.

One of the largest donor blocks for he, and the Democrats are the environmental left. The environmental left hate the Keystone Pipeline. So he threw them a bone.

Another big contributor to Obama has been Warren Buffet. Right now it is Buffet's rail lines that bring the Canadian oil across the border.

Obama makes it sound as though he has stopped the flow of oil across the border; it always has crossed and always will.

Further, it is well documented that transporting oil is far safer done by pipeline and far more dangerous by rail.

So he really doesn't care about the environment. The continued  transportation of that oil by rail is an environmental disaster waiting to happen. Don't look for it to be on the news, his buddies in the media will cover it up just as they have all of the other spills due to train transportation.


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