Ok, all you brine experts, enlighten me on the subject. I've read lately where some other counties/states have decided to use Brine on their roads this winter, instead of salt. It supposedly works a lot faster,can be applied before it snows,or after.  And is not nearly as harmful to the pavement as salt. In some states,like Ohio,PA. N.Dakota,Texas,OK., its readily available and cheap. So why the salt anyway? All these trucks running out of these wells full of it, trucking it to disposal wells 9000 ft. underground, when it can be used on the roads and save the state/county/twp.s $$$  ? Is there something different about the well wastewater compared to the Brine they are using on the roads?  The only problem with the brine is that it washes off the roads in rain, and it has to be applied more often than salt,but,hey, if it's a lot cheaper?? It may even be FREE? Why would water service companies pay tto dispose of it,when they can unload it to the highway dept.s?  And also, if the enviro-groups are so concerned about the 9000ft. deep disposal of this stuff, why is it ok to put it on the highways,where it can wash off,into our streams&lakes?  Is Brine and well wastewater two different things?

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Lol, I love when this is brought up. An operator spills one drop of brine water and there are NOV's flying left and right and require the soil/stone to be removed and disposed of. However, then the state turns around and spreads the same brine all over the roads and its all good.

So right KAR.

What Ohio puts on the roads is salt brine mixed with calcium chloride and magnesium chloride as well as currently beet juice.  Locals went crazy when a truck spilled a little brine N of Youngstown and the Ohio EPA didn't seem to care.  Of course they didn't care because that brine was less noxious than what they already approve for ice control.  I can't remember if it was Mahoning County or the State of Ohio that announced this fall that they were transitioning from salt to brine because 'it's cheaper',  even the old Clinton wells produce brine so it's an unlimited supply.  


Looks like the concern is that production brine may still contain fracking chemicals, in addition to naturally occurring radioactive material/natural contaminants.  The article states that each truckload of brine would have to be tested for naturally occurring radioactive material before it could be spread on the roads.  That sounds kind of crazy, but even if each well had to be tested, seems like a lot of work.

Frack water has less salt, etc. than most brines. Natural uranium occurs in most shales whether at depth or on the surface. That's why radon can be a danger in your basement if you site the house on shales.

Brine is salt water.  Yes, there is an environmental cost to applying either salt or brine to a road. I suppose the environmentalists don't like driving on slick roads, too.

The Arsenic and other chemicals will hinder growth along the highway which will save money on mowing.

No one will notice the insects and animals that might be affected by the chemicals.

It's all Good.


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