The $10 per barrel tax on oil is the bottom of the barrell politically at a time when the price of oil is hurting the industry.

This article spells out the details....

At a time when the United States is on the way toward independent gas and oil status, freeing us from dependence upon mideastern supply its seems that the administration is working against our national interest.  It is time that we as voters stand up for our energy independence and run this country as a business.  Donald Trump may not have the personality we all wish and his objective may be to save his own assets because most of his wealthy friends already have moved a lot of their wealth off-shore to avoid the inevitable asset downturn when our true national debt is revealed, he cannot move his buildings and projects off-shore.  Nonetheless, he has the ability to run this country more like a business.  I would like to know his energy policy.  We finally have an independent supply of gas and oil and our government is one of the biggest problems overburdening  the industry with taxes and unfair regulation.   

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Tariff OPEC Oil instead.

So should the other North American and South American Countries.

Forge a Trade Agreement among Countries of the Americas.

Call it the OPAC Agreement (Oil Producing American Countries).


Tariffs on any foreign product is a slippery slope. That was the real start of the Great Depression.

Instead how about taking the tariffs off American companies (over regulation, redundant taxation) so they can put Americans back to work.

Thinking we already have a good start toward another 'Great Depression' (started by NWO advocates).

American Trade Agreements and Tariffs on OPEC production, I think would best be described as simple retaliation.

They seem to be looking for a trade war - let's give them one and see what happens.

If the America's don't buy their production how will they fund their socialist states ?

I think it's time to stop protecting S. A. and funding / subsidizing their socialist states / economy.

Subsidize them or subsidize us ?

I say subsidize us of course.

If we don't retaliate we're feeding their cow (not ours).

It's pretty plain to me.



Imports of Saudi oil to the U.S. are relatively small.

It is our allies in Europe who need it.

I agree with no subsidies tio countries that don't play ball with us (U.S.). And play by OUR rules.

I think Cruz or Trump would play hardball with countries on trade.

Hillary wouldn't, she's taken too many campaign contributions from foreign countries. She owes them

What about other allied countries in the Americas ? Do they buy OPEC Oil / Fossil Fuel Production ?

The Americas plus any vetted allied European / M. E. (including Israel) / Eastern country should be our market.

Isolate all non-allied / despotic / terrorist / socialist / communist countries / protect our 'market share'.


He doesn't have a clue! Is he even on this planet? Because that proposal is WAY OUT THERE!


I'm a Cruz man. But I could live with Trump.

Actually anyone except those two Socialists/Communists Sanders and Clinton.

Any Republican would be good for us in Shale Land


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