I have heard reports about the upper Devonian Shale, Marcellus Shale @ 5300ft, Utica Shale @ 12000ft, and Oil below the Utica shale in Bradford county. With Geokinetics doing 3D seismic throughout the county, does anyone know where we can get information on estimated reserves for our area? Is there a geologist with access to the 3D data that would offer that service to landowners for a fee?


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No likely.  Most 3D seismic informtion would be proprietary to the companies paying for the surveys.  Also, until they actually drill and prove production, most companies would not consider this part of their reserves.  Just try to reserve formations that you think the drillers aren't interested in and wait...

most of the info I've gotten came from ppl who should have been quiet.  Make'n friends in person and have'n a few beers is the best way to learn real info that would other wise be unknown.  But then again, how do you prove what you were told by a buddy on a deer hunt?  Even if you know him to be in the know.

Hopefully Penn State will get involved.  They were a big source of information

I don't think penn state or anyone elts will get that info till the companies are ready to tell it. 
Besides, Penn state is kinda loyal to The East family since they buy so many things for them.

Think about it, the info is very very valuable, why the heck would they give that way?  it hold data as to valuable for any local to get his mits on it.  What would you want with it any how? to know whats under your land?  


and if that's the goal, why the heck would the land man want to know what you have?  Oh so he can pay you more money for the oil and prime energy under your farm (ha ha) 


Chess did a press release some time back saying there was oil under all the route 6 counties...if you are wondering if you have oil or many kinds of shale, the answer is yes.



Where was this press release?  I have not heard any reliable source indicate any significant deep oil in PA
Articles come to newspapers via a collection of sources referred to in the business as the wire. I work for a newspaper.
No oil in NE PA, too overcooked, the deeper you go the more overcooked the formation would be, oil, if it existed, would be in shallower formations.
Are you saying there were no oil wells in north east pennsylvania?

Yes that is correct. The western counties is where all the oil is, that is where Quaker State and Pennsoil where based long ago. Eastern PA was buried very deeply millions of years ago, the high temperature converted all of the oil into gas. There were some oil exploration in shallower formations in Central NE PA, but not any further then western Tioga County.

I sure hope so....and I believe this to be true....and suspect this is why CHK is reported to be leasing million(s) acres in Eastern Ohio....they want the oil and wet gases....NG is too plentiful right now.

yes, eastern Ohio also has utica potential too! good area


here is the wet/dry line for PA for the marcellus,


wet has oil and other oily hydrocarbons




 Troy, Covington, Crossroads and Canton have oil wells.  Not a lot is said of them, but they are there and I'll also say that 3 years ago, were were told no shale drilling would go on in the east. now there is I'm not so sure the info we are told is true.


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