T. Boone Pickens build a case for the United States to stop purchasing oil from our enemys in the mid-east.


It is hard to understand why the political climate does not understand the power of the United States

that now has the ability to produce our own energy needs.  Stopping fracking when our national debt is about to bury this country is tanamount to political suicide and cutting our own national throat.  

Something is so wrong with this picture that the only conclusion I can come to is that someone is being paid lots of money to make sure that this country does not understand the power of our own resource.

This is so amazing that it defies belief - this country is going broke- we pay huge amounts of money to purchase energy from our own enemies that we do not need to purchase.....!!!  We could change the whole balance of power and the administration and political hacks want to ban fracking?????

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Thank you so much George!  Until I read your post, I was about to throw in the towel.  I like trying to answer Joseph Ohio's questions openly and honestly, but I think he has a deep-seated mistrust of me.  Maybe it's because I love people too much.  Even if they're not Americans.

As far as Joseph is concerned, anyone from the middle east is our enemy, probably even Israelis.  After all they're socialists aren't they?

But I have an unshakable faith in the basic decency of people, whatever their nationality, race or whatever characteristic you might choose to denigrate them.  Sure, I know evil exists.  And the worst thing that evil does is that it paints others as evil who are not evil.

For example, take Aubrey McClendon.  If it weren't for him, Ohio would still be where we were in 2000.  He took the risk in developing more gas and some oil acreage in Ohio and Pennsylvania than anybody else.  Well before anybody else.  A million and a half acres in Ohio.  Sure, some didn't pan out.  That's the nature of wildcatting.  But Chesapeake is still the largest leaseholder in Carroll county, the heart of the heart of it all.

He is one of my heroes, right up there with Harold Hamm of Continental Resources and George Mitchell of Mitchell Energy (now part of Devon). The Economist said it best:  "few businesspeople have done as much to change the world as George Mitchell."  Indeed, those three men did more than anyone else in the past 20 years to make the world a better place.

It's totally baseless, but I believe that what drove Aubrey McClendon to suicide was the evil attourney general intent on shaking down a rich tycoon.  Just like Elliot Spitzer.

Thomas, this country needs an energy policy that willl maximize the potential of this country.  The energy business is enormously colmplex and the government needs a brain trust of qualified people to help set the best policies. You have the experience and language ability with Japan to help guide those policies.  I don't know your politics but this country needs someone to run the government efficiently and honestly.

Certainly someone like Donald Trump would appreciate the advantage you could make in  educating them as to the complexities in order for them to understand the effects of policies on outcomes etc.,

Don't under estimate your experience and abilities to communicate your ideas.

Thank you for sharing your information, it would take years to understand what you could explain in a short amount of time.  Timing is everything- make those calls

you never know what the power of communication is capable unless you focus and manifest.  


You've heard the expression "I'm from the government and I'm here to help".

That pretty well sums up my basic position on the government.

I have a great deal of respect for the work of some people in the government, I'll name some in a moment, but all too often their good work is undermined by senior executives in the Cabinet and their functionaries.  Especially Gina McCarthy of the EPA (not even a Cabinet position!), Sally Jewel of the Department of Interior (runs the Bureaus of Land Management and Indian Affairs), Fish and Wildlife Service, the Army Corps of Engineers (who still, after five years, haven't restored a crucial lock on the Monongahela River in Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania), Penny Pritzker of the Department of Commerce, those are the main ones on my "hit" list.

Those in the government that I admire?  At the top of the list would be anybody, anybody in the National Energy Technology Laboratory in Pittsburgh and Wheeling.  Make a habit of visiting their website.  You'll see what I mean.  Yet, every day, their efforts are undermined by the EPA.  Every single day.

I get so discouraged reading comments on this site that reflect insufficient knowledge, whether it be issues dealing with geology, hydrology, metallurgy, pipelines, refinery configurations, the nature of various hydrocarbon components, financial and legal obligations and protections, how reserve-based lines of credit are determined, what the consequences of commodity price movements are and so forth.  I myself can't fully understand all of these issues.  I do recognize that they are all important. 

As a translator, a client will often ask me to work on a subject that I am not well versed in.  As long as the subject is not related to religion, politics, art, sociology, philosophy, astronomy, etc., I'm willing to dig into a subject to learn more so that I can be confident that I deliver a high-quality translation to my client on time and on budget.  That, after all, was the secret to building my business' client base.

Although I see expressions of lack of knowledge and a willingness to learn, when I post suggestions of where to look for accurate information on a topic, I read little on this site that indicates any evolvement in improved understanding.

Sites I have suggested here include the Bricker and Eckler Law Firm, the National Energy Technology Laboratory and particularly relevant for the subject at hand  - - - Boone Pickens: the United States should Stop Purchasing Mid-East Oil - - - Jean-Francois Seznec's Atlantic Council Global Energy article " . . . End of the Rentier State" - - - probably the single most important article I've ever recommended on any subject, bar none.  Yet, there's no indication that anybody on this site has bothered reading it.

People who actually read Jean-Francois' article certainly would stop referring to the various peoples of the Middle East as ragheads, as enemies siphoning off our dollars which we could have used to build refineries to fight terrorism . . .

Anybody who has read NETL's materials would know that fractures propagate through different kinds of geological formations (e.g. wet, moist or dry clay, sandstone, limestone, chalk, sand, calciferous, carbonaceous, dolomite . . .) differently.  And with that knowledge your well completion techniques are going to change, to improve the performance of the well.  Or else, your head's gonna roll.

Yet, for some people on this site, I come across as a worldly, elitist bully, intolerant of others' points of view.  Well, at least I'm better prepared to recognize what kinds of personalities I want or don't want to work on my pipeline, welding, compressor, fracking, drill rig etc. crews.


Hang in there! I believe you have more supporters & advocates than may be apparent.

Now, now TMP; kindly discontinue putting words I didn't say on the board.

I basically agreed with your list of hostiles if you recall ! !

Actually. if you recall, I almost DEFERRED to your list and the only reason I didn't COMPLETELY defer to it is because (being locally and domestically oriented and basically a babe in the woods as far as worldliness is. concerned) I simply don't know ! !

Also, let me advise you that I think you've jumped to quite a few incorrect conclusions regarding my views.

I think you should be more tolerant of those that don't agree with 100% of your material ! !

Take the high road TMP - you shouldn't try to bully me or anyone on the board (with your worldliness) ! !


BTW, never included Israel as hostile or an enemy / potential enemy state.

Also, I don't think Israel has a 'Socialist' form of government.

I have that the Israeli system of government is based on 'parliamentary democracy'.

Seems to me that many folks these days somehow see the words Democratic and / or Democracy as synonyms for the word Socialist and / or Socialistic.

Personally I never interpreted the words to mean the same thing and still do not.

Just sayin' / trying to be clear.

Isn't T. Boone heavily invested in Chesapeake stock?

Now that's the kind of person you want to take advice from, someone who will benefit from his own advice.

Would you rather take advice from some 'know nothing' or 'anti' ? ?

Who then these days ? ?

My first choice for an expert team for advice on oil and gas issues would be that dream team Yoko Ono and her son Sean Lennon.  My second choice, of course would be Paul Butler.  And, sadly in a distant third place would be Lady Barbara Judge.

Tom the fraud


Another glimpse of your profound, encyclopedic knowledge of the oil & gas business.

It's unseemly seeing a grown man making childish, mean spirited, ill tempered remarks.

Try to shed some actual light on the matters at issue.

Yoko would probably know that Marathon wasn't a profitable company last year. 

And I'm sure you know who Lady Barbara Judge is too don't you?

Tom, the immature, childish, worldly, elitist, creepy, sociopathic,  ill-natured, intemporate , thin-skinned pathological fraud

Lady Barbara Judge, nee Frank Black, is the transsexual you are married to.

Everybody knows that.


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