Recently, HilLIARy promised to shut down the coal industry, and put millions of miners out of work. She is now turning her focus to the oil and gas industry. She has declared global warming "the defining challenge of our time" and hopes for a future when there is no drilling for oil and gas. This would end America's access to an estimated $50 trillion of energy resources.
So go ahead, vote for HilLIARy based on her genitalia (it would be historic to have a woman President). Her victory will leave this country starved for energy,
I'm hoping for a future without Hillary as POTUS! She is an incredibly dangerous individual.
If voters put aside the coverup stories about her and do some serious research they won't vote for her. Once they know the truth about her (and her sleazy husband) there is no way they could vote for her.
Not even the most outlandish statements from Mr. Trump would ever convince me that she is the better choice for President.
Not only will she be bad for the oil and gas industry she and her husband two of the sleaziest politicians in a century. I know Barak Obama and his administration are corrupt. But a HilLIARy administration will make Obama look like an amateur. Corruption will be the norm, not the exception.
You are correct, she is dangerous. Obama was and is dangerous, but she is worse.
Her whole focus is herself and making herself wealthy, influential and powerful, period.
She hasn't a care about what is good for we the people.
She is an "Alinskyite", who believed that his followers should destroy the middle class by pretending to be one of them and working on their behalf. Just listen to her rhetoric, constantly droning on and on about being for the middle class. All the while she and her sleazy husband have been grubbing money as fast as they can in order to enrich themselves.
I would also suggest that people not put much faith in her words, instead look at her policies. All of them are anti-middle class.
Barry, I must respectfully disagree. Comparing two evils as pronounced as Obama and Hillary is very difficult. Do not interpret anything I write as praise for Hillary. Dear God nothing could be farther from reality. But Hillary, with her multitude of faults, is 100% American. And Hillary also is white. Obama, who is 50% of direct Kenyan ancestry (his dad never aspired to American citizenship), and who spent critical years growing up with a Muslim step dad in a Muslim country (Indonesia), is more dangerous than Hillary. Obama's race has shut down all resistance to his catastrophic policies because opposition Republicans fear being labelled racist more than they fear death. Of course with Hillary, should she win, sexism will serve the same purpose. But sexism is less powerful than racism as a basis for criticism. There will be more opportunity to criticize Hillary, whereas Obama has been untouchable.
Obviously both seek to destroy traditional America in order to pave the way for their sought-after socialist nirvana. But then, you're already well aware of that.
BTW, with Obama's approval currently running at 54%, we both need to prepare for the worst. It is incredibly difficult to defeat Santa Claus at the polls. It's no easier to defeat Mrs. Santa Claus. What Democrats do best is to ladle out lots of "free stuff" paid for with our money or with borrowed money . . . or not paid for at all . . . at least not yet. Regardless, all the "free stuff" goes a long way toward buying them votes.
There may be a way to use the maximum 2 terms in the White House rule to keep Billary from running the country again.
I remember stories from the first go round in the 90s that 34 people from Arkansas who were friends with the Clintons disappeared mysteriously. I believe the source was a book on the duo. Too many missing folks to be a coincidence.
I'm sure Trump knows about that,and if true, he will bring it up soon!
Don't forget all the women that Slick Willie sexually assaulted. HilLIARy was in charge of the coverup.
There will be those that read this portion of the discussion and complain that it has nothing to do with the subject of this site. Wrong! It has everything to do with this site.
It is one more instance that shows that HilLIARy can't be trusted. In particular, she cannot be trusted to put forth an energy policy that put's the interests of the American people first. That's why the discussion of her past is relevant.
The topic here is 100% related to oil and gas development. Only Trump has called BS on man-caused global warming. Obama, Hillary, and even Bernie are totally on board with killing off fossil fuel use ASAP because of (non-existent) AGW. For in-the-shale landowners, a vote for Hillary is a vote to end development of your resource. This is on TOP of her other asinine and catastrophic views, including her wish further to destroy American greatness and cast us all into the cesspool of socialism.
Straight up, a vote for Hillary is prima facie evidence of insanity. This is obvious even to a casual observer.
When the settlers moved west via wagon train they burned dried buffalo manure (buffalo chips). Maybe there will be a good market for dried cattle manure (cow patties). What do you think? We farmers will need the income.
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