The well that Travis Peake is looking to drill is for the Attica about 11,000 ft. below the surface according to information I have.

The bore will run more or less parallel to Broughton hollow road to route 49 and end just east of Brace hollow road. It is expected to penetrate the  Trenton/Black river.

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Looks like they won the Sabinsville storage farm out as well.

Our road is to be beefed up in about a week to handle the heavy traffic. I think two years ago the entire length from route 49 to the bottom of Baker Hill was paved over. It was all dug up and a new surface  applied. There are only one or two potholes that are really needing attention. But I understand that due to the heavy truck traffic soon to come that suspected weak areas over sluice pipes and a few other spots will be repaved. Anyway a notice was sent to us that at least two days will be required to cover the two miles to the well entrance from Broughton Hollow road.


I mistyped the name of the shale deposit. It should read UTICA and not Attica. Sorry about that


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