There is an article out today that mentions what I believe to be about buell well in harrison county.


"Take the example of what may be the most productive well in Ohio history. State Sen. Jimmy Stewart, R-Albany, said he heard a rural Harrison County well was pumping 15 million cubic feet of gas daily.

A spokeswoman for Chesapeake Energy, the Oklahoma-based owner, said the well in question is still being evaluated, and he couldn't confirm the numbers."


The link to article is


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all the wells is SW PA have multiple tanks on site, does not necessarily mean tons of oil.  Could just be getting a lot of water back, condensates, or some oil.  If there are big tanker trucks in and out multiple times a day, its oil.
Thanks Bill
what are the per /acre monthly royalty payments like for the folks in SW PA? It seems to me we are probably in an area that would be comparable to there. I have heard all kinds of numbers over the last several months and would like to know what to realistically expect. Any info would be greatly appreciated .
Scott, Sounds like your in the HOTSPOT!  Wish I had some land close to you.
We will have to see what lies ahead . I hope for me and all of my neighbors who are so close to the Buell well that you are right !!  I believe they are getting oil also and are keeping a tight lid on everything. Any news on the second well ? Is it at the sportsmans club ?

I heard today that when CHK drilled the buell well the Utica shale was over 500' thick. Just wondering if anyone else has heard the same ? I was pleasantly surprised do to the ODNR page having our area around 300 to 350 feet thick.


Here is a link to photos of Buell well taking today.

This 15 million cubic feet per day post was started by something Senator Jimmy Stewart of Albany, OH said a few weeks ago.  I e-mailed his office to see if the quote was valid but received no response.

An article in the Columbus Dispatch 4/27/11 states that Jimmy is not running for another term in the Ohio Senate.  His new job will be the President of the Ohio Gas Association.  

Could be he does have some inside information after all....

I just heard that a man in Harrison County Ohio, is receiving $585,000 a month in royalty payments for "his" horizontal well.  Could this be possible?  If anyone else knows anything about this rumor could they please comment.
Has anyone heard if and or when Chesapeke is going to release the numbers off the Buell well?
Just got word from ODNR that the production report is due March 31, 2012.


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