How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022?  Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices?  What`s next?

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Think LNG? , probably think Haynesville / Permian rather than Appalachia for future growth .. New England for future growth ? The politics in that region must change for it to happen . If I were "King " of America , I would have never let LNG exports at all , as future generations will need it as well . CHK just signed a major LNG contract beginng in 2027 . 

Do gas companies have 3,5,7 or 10 year plans?  How far out can they forecast for growth or is everything based on current or near current conditions?  If it`s going to be primarily based upon cold or warm weather seems like a very uncertain future.  Cranking-up production takes some time.  At some point renewables will catch-up or get close to natural gas.  If I were "King of America"  I would have a shale gas royalty check arriving in my bank account each month, right now. 

The need for N Gas will around for a long long time . If I was King , I too would make sure your royalty checks were fat and juicy ! Increased  LNG , the continued reduction of US coal plants , the conitued need for materials  derived from gas will drive gas consumption . Tier #1 lands will become harder to come by ten years from now , Tier #2 will become more viable economically . 

The utility's are starting to lower there Ng price to customers trickling down.

AR new presentation , unusual that it names its competitors on many pages .  

Just checked out the Antero Resources presentation and found it to be very informative and revealing of the natural gas industry.  I liked seeing the direct comparison to named competitors rather then the traditional peer 1, 2, etc. reference.  It was nice to read how AR directly targets the LNG market and manages their operations to achieve their goals.  Also revealing was the % of gas sold outside of the Appalachian Basin chart.   They definitely are thinking "go big" and not being restrained by local economic ups & downs.  In many ways its noble to want to produce gas to help your local region but it seems to me you are limiting your growth potential plus company health with that strategy.

Other members might want to read the Antero Resources investor presentation to learn more about the current gas industry. 


Banks going under , 50% vacancy rate in NYC offices , rising mortgage rates , Too much risk for this long term investor ... Just a few pipeliners left , 5% T bills till the storm is over ..... 

Treasuries and no state tax.

Stormy weather , best to keep [Assets] , [CASH}  tied to the dock .... Whether its the best gasser or the worst , if the Market term oil continues they will  all get sucked into the abyss . Damage being done to Bank shareholders is tremendous . 

How is the current banking problem impacting the natural gas industry?

When markets tanks , just about everything gets sucked down with it [ except bitcoin ] which is up 14% .... We live in very interesting times ... PS , Bank 3 month cd's of 5% is available today 

so are t bills


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