Yes many of the jobs are temporary construction jobs but those jobs help people and the economy.

Construction projects and the associated jobs are intermittent, this is nothing new. But what does a project like the XL do for workers and the economy. The workers on the Gulf coast portion of this project  were paid an average of $134,000.00. That means house payments were made, car payments etc,and it also provided those workers with healthcare for another year. The workers also received credit toward their pension.

Don't forget about the associated jobs created or maintained by a project such as this; for example the thousands of jobs manufacturing the materials for the project.  Overall this project will contribute $20 billion dollars to the U.S. economy. Can any of the renewable energy projects, promoted by this administration and their friends in the  extreme environmental movement, say the same?

Finally, the anti crowd will tell you that the benefits do not out weigh the environmental concerns. They are wrong; the State Department just released a study showing that the pipeline will not contribute to "greenhouse gas" emissions. If any effect is seen it will be an actual reduction. The canadian oil will replace oil from Venezuela which is far more "dirty" when used. The benefits to this project from job creation, and stimulation of the economy to cleaner air.

The time is now to get this project moving forward, please contact your members of Congress and let them know you support the project and that you vote. 

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I am against the project because it directly competes with my product (natural gas). I cite no other reason.


It actually does not. Much of the oil from the tar sands will be used for paving and roofing products.

This oil competes with and replaces foreign sources such as Venezuela.

Additionally the tars sands oil is very heavy and doesn't flow well, There is talk that the light liquids from the Utica can be shipped to Canada to be mixed with the tars sands oil to thin it down so it flows easier.  That would be another market for Utica products.

Once the infrastructure is in there will be plenty of markets for the products of the Utica wells, the one you cited is one of many.


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