Anyone have contact info to promote land lease in Western Columbiana County?  Thanks!

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Hasn't Chesapeake leased about everything there is already?

Well they have not leased ours!  lol

Check with attorney Ward, I had heard he may be starting another group   Jerry Ward out of Lisbon

I'm not sure I am allowed to contact an attorney.  We have signed an agreement with Krugliak and Wilkins (spell?) in Alliance.  But thanks for the info.  I might just call and ask if he can say yes or no on activity.


Becky, if you signed an agreement, shouldn't that agency be making your contacts?

You signed an agreement: 

Does that mean your agency is marketing your minerals within a group to a lessor?  

Is the agency waiting for a lessor to contact you and then negotiate for you and capitalize?

Are you supposed to find a lessor and then let the agency know to negotiate for you?

A lot of good questions......not sure if they are actually actively looking for companies to lease our land or not.  It is a big company, Krugliak & Wilkens, so you would think they would be aggressively trying to get their 4% commission.  But we have not heard a thing.  The neighbor north of us has 18 acres available to lease too.  The big farmer just south of us didn't get mineral rights when his dad bought the farm many many years ago. 

Guess I'll just keep checking online every couple weeks or so.



But thanks to all for great comments!


Sometimes an oil and gas company can have your acreage "held by production", however in this case case it sounds like K&W has you "held by negotiation".


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