I was at farm today and decided to take a ride out to buell well in harrison county. You cannot see well site from road, just the entrance to site and permit. First photo is new gas line running along Hanover Ridge rd. Second and third pictures are at entrance to buell well site. I would say that the well is tied into pipeline.

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I then drove down Bells Hills rd to where the fracking storage site was located. It is pretty much cleared out with only one frack tank left but a truck was there picking it up.

While leaving I drove down Sportmens Club rd look for new drill site. I did not see anything from road. I did come across this pipeline that is on Sportsmens Club rd. I dont know  age or size of pipeline but it is for oil.


I have heard that there are six large upright tanks connected by a catwalk at the well site.  To bad you couldn't get a photo of them.
The well site is not visible from road that I was on and there was a big no trespass sign on road heading into property
I understand.  Too bad none of us have a small airplane!

What are they afraid someone will see?  I can almost understand a "No Trespassing" sign by the landowner if there has been a problem of some sort.  Also, in Ohio at least, entering private land without permission is technically considered trespassing, as I wish the hunters in the park next to the land I lease the hunting rights on would learn.  BUT, most country people don't mind much if at all if you walk on their land and do no harm.  The only "No Trespassing" signs around here are by places where the people have a lot of useless junk sitting out and are apparently afraid someone would take it, or on property owned by someone who just moved out from the city, or someone who is less than honest and doesn't trust anyone else.

So that leads me to wonder why the sign is needed.  Are the drillers afraid of vandalism, afraid of someone taking pictures showing them screwing up the environment, afraid of someone finding out what's in their frac fluid, or what? 

Such paranoia does not make me very eager to sign a lease for any of my land or to encourage my Izaak Walton brothers to lease the 275 acres of land the club owns either. 

We need transparency if you want us to trust you to care for our land, drillers!

The well is a good distance off the county road on private property. I would imagine that a well site is a pretty dangerous place and not a place for sightseers to roam around. Ps My land is posted with no trespasser signs and I have nothing to hide and I respect others private property also.
Thanks for the photos,   I hope we this in Columbiana County.

The No Trespassing signs are to protect the O&G against people who have no business there  wandering onto a well site and getting hurt or vandalizing the site or equipment. They are dumping a few million dollars into a hole in the ground and don't need anyone extra around who doesn't belong there. They also serve somewhat as a deterrent against overzealous environmentalists who are very against this sort of activity and are anxious for there to be an "accident" with a horizontal/hydrofrac well so they can scream and yell about how unsafe the process is and how it is raping mother earth and how it is going to ruin all the water supplies in the world and ... well you get the picture.

All you had to do to see the well site was drive up the road up the hill to it. How hard could that be, the gate at the entry off Hanover Ridge Rd isn't even closed or locked.

I have driven up there many times, and on top is a Security Guard trailer, that sits in front of a 12 ft high chain link fencing around the well site equpiment and the 6 - 40 ft x 15 ft steel tanks for storage of  the oil, for transport truck to load and haul to a refinery.

Now if you want to take pictures to pass around, those are the pictures that would be worth seeing. Oh, be sure to have your camera or cell phone ready to take the pictures, since the guy in the guard shack will tell you you can't take pictures. Easy enough to do if you are prepared, before you get there.

Remember, this well is already rated in the top 3 wells ever drilled in OH, as far as their oil and gas production. Hey, this was the first "test well" drilled in Harrison county.

Next well coming up near this site, Jewett Sportsman Club about a mile East North East.

The drilling rig to be set up within the next 2 weeks, maybe sooner. Yep, another Utica well too, how about that? No oil or gas  here, right now tell me another one.

Wow, where did you get the info that its rated top 3 wells ever drilled in ohio?  That's awesome.

Thanks for the pictures Hunter, any chance you've seen tanker trucks coming in and out of the site?


James, thanks for the info.  Where did you hear that its one of the top three wells? Do you have any further thoughts as to wether they could be using that petroleum pipeline of if they would be trucking out any oil/liquids?  Would they do this at night?




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