George Aubrey
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George Aubrey's Discussions

covid 19

Started this discussion. Last reply by william Allen. Ladd Apr 26, 2020. 27 Replies

I believe that we will be going through a few tough quarters economically. However, certain news media are trying to blame Trump and make this pandemic a political football. The virus began in Wuhan…Continue

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william Allen. Ladd replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"The best we can hope for is that the winner will be wise enough to sit down and listen to his advisors, both pro and con concerning an issue! Granddad Ladd"
Apr 26, 2020
farmgas replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"The cure:  coming Tuesday November 3, 2020"
Apr 25, 2020
Dan replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"Weeks ago a couple in Arizona took Trumps advice and drank some of their aquarium anti viral Hydroxychloroquine solution.  Hours later they ended up in the ER.  The husband died A horrific death and the wife was in critical…"
Apr 25, 2020
william Allen. Ladd replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"Hey Dan did you read where some 'bigwigs'  were worried that some folks were actually thinking about that maybe injecting themselves with disinfectant?   As per Mr 'T'S"  suggestion?  And if someone…"
Apr 25, 2020
Dan replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"I think all the US researchers that Trump hasn't fired yet are still looking for answers.  He may not be able to fund research personally with his debt to the Bank of China coming due.  No worries, there are still some other countries…"
Apr 25, 2020
william Allen. Ladd replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"Well Dan, not being a chemist or knowing that much about it, then it being an oxidizer  as you say, then why would Trump be pushing his idea of a cure or medication for ciovid-19?  Maybe suppository only for use on democrats?  HMMMM?…"
Apr 24, 2020
Dan replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"Ozone is an oxidizer.  To high of a concentration destroys lung tissue.  Like UV light Ozone is not a catch all.  Yes they will kill virus but they can cause harm.  Our genius president asking his Corona Virus team to look into…"
Apr 24, 2020
william Allen. Ladd replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"A question for you George Aubrey, Can Ozone be produced by discharging a very high voltage in a gap between  two conductors?  Seems like I read that fact many years ago. If this is true then it should be possible to build some sort of…"
Apr 24, 2020
william Allen. Ladd replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"Extremely interesting what you are saying here George Aubrey.  My exwife and I raised rabbits for medical research for a few years. I transported the pathogen free rabbits to several different research labs, including the National Institute of…"
Apr 23, 2020
George Aubrey replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"I am not a political creature but am somewhat frustrated with the lack of unity in light of the medical and economic plight that we are experiencing. The Governors of each state, along with their advisors, have different versions of how they propose…"
Apr 23, 2020
william Allen. Ladd replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"This statement of yours Dan is exactly what I have been trying to say. QUIT BASHING AND FINDING FAULT.  How do these people who tend to find fault and bash explain our transportation system? Instead of walking or riding a horse, Someone looked…"
Apr 23, 2020
Dan replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"Necessity is the mother of invention. "
Apr 22, 2020
william Allen. Ladd replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"A very good assumption ShakeShale.  But what aggravates me is the tendency to the reversing his thoughts and postings constantly. For the average person to have this trait, this seldom matters.  Without question, he has some good ideas.…"
Apr 21, 2020
Robert Bond replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"My understanding is the later ones coming from China were American citizens and green card holders coming back home.  What would you want to have them barred from their country?"
Apr 21, 2020
shakeshale replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"If your forewarned a pandemic is coming and all you do is stop only some people from the infected area not every single traveler from China Then you go to India on a self promotion tour and ignore the problem hoping you can lie it away Well I guess…"
Apr 20, 2020
william Allen. Ladd replied to George Aubrey's discussion 'covid 19'
"End the lockdown but be sure not do it too soon!  Granddad Ladd"
Apr 20, 2020

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I am George Aubrey
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Business Owner
Which state(s) are you following?
Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio
What shale plays do you follow?
Bakken, Eagle Ford, Haynesville, Marcellus, Utica

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