Has anyone got paid a signup bonus from CHK on land that is held by production, currently receiving royalties?   If that land is included into say, the Harrison Group, what happens when a lease is signed and how long before it is known whether they accept it or not?  Or would it be better to not even list it with the group?

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Amen brother! Preach on! This is the same reason we don't want or need a one-size-fits-none health care industry in this country either.

Evidently, you missed my point a little.  I was stating that it would be useful to have a "land owner" strong contract provide to Ohio landowners for a starting point.  I did not say that they would be required to use that contract or that they would not be permitted to amend the contract.  The oil and gas companies show up with years of experience, highly paid attorneys, and contracts that are all in their favor.  The average Ohio land owner is way out of their league with no place to start.

I have little faith in most of our politicians and political leaders.  However, business ethics seem to be a thing of the past.  How are we going to protect our hard working honest citizens from those with the power, control, and money?  You speed down the freeway, you get arrested.  You unethically take advantage of people with less resources and intelligence and that is free enterprise???


That's why there have been many landowner groups formed...to help educate those who don't understand and negotiate a landowner friendly contract to protect them.  Cost for joining these groups has been minimal.  I agree with Finnbear...if you don't understand, then you need to pay someone who does and have them explain it to you.    

If this comment was directed at me, here is my take.

If a one-size-fits-all contract were the starting point, we would still be right where we are today.

If we always started with a lease that strongly favored the landowner, the opening offer would be driven lower for everyone, since the oil and gas companies would be overly restricted from the get-go. They would have to negotiate extensively with each and every lessor in order to get enough concessions to be able to develop a new play. Each of these concessions made by the lessor would probably increase the offer from the lessee. If the state did this, it might protect the landowner who doesn't do his homework. It would stifle oil and gas leasing and development in OH and drive lease offer prices down which would enable the producers to make even more money due to lower lease investment costs.

The oil and gas companies already start with a one-sized-fits-all lease and adjust it to fit the situation from there with addendums. You don't have to sign their agreement but if you do, they are able to make more profit. The addendums to restrict what they can do, and as the lessee makes concessions to the lessor and they reduce the offering price accordingly.

Bottom line - NEVER sign anything that you don't understand completely.

if you are HBP, held by production,you have a voice. Go to USA, utica shale association.org and declare yourself.

the movement has huge support and will be offically kicked off Jan 14th 2012.

There are folks who care about you and want to help.

Mark, all I can say is UNBELIEVABLE! Have you visited this site? The home page is predominantly in some language other than English; and visitors are asked to sign a petition, yet the petition is not available for viewing unless that was what was provided on the home page in a language other than English. It appears to me that this is simply a device to identify potential clients for your mentor. Others can buy into that if they wish, but I am not that stupid.

Al,  Yes, I had to scratch my head also. Then I laughed.

AL,  RELAX and slow down,The site has just opened.

  We need to clarify that the petition is based on the rights of landowners who own their minerals,but are being held by production, in some cases with only free gas as the paying quanity. We are waiting the final draft as it will be produced by the attorneys on staff.

 The Ohio regulations and the spacing perimeters have been well established for vertical developement and we are tryin to protect that so-called 40acre rule to be just that,and isolated as a leasehold,with other acreage being freed up for developement.

I stated, but not strong enough that we will be kicking off the OFFICAL site on the 14th of January in Columbus.  This is a grass roots effort that locals have started,we have already talked with the folks at ODNR,ODC and the Governors office and have 3 state reps on board and two Senators.

  This is in no way a device for my mentor.  

Remember this has already started and in fact there are over 1400 signatures thus far from mineral owners that are HBP who have agreed to move onward with the fight and on the 14th of January the folks will be able to read for themselves.  Currently this thread has the basic info of the HBP problem and the USA.org site will be the vehicle to carry the message to the state.

  I am getting the cart before the horse,but someone has to build the cart and someone has to nurture the horse and train him.

  The site as it is currently,allows folk to start placing HBP properties as to their location and a brief on their situation. There are 40 days to get the site up and running with our full agenda and the HBP potential bill and regulation changes we think can occur with the power of the  people.


Thanks Mark A for your help !

Mark, I will relax when people start paying for the advertisements that are posted on this webpage in consonance with the site rules. Many of your posts are an out right advertisement that contain no information for the reader but does ask the reader to go to a commercial website. This particular post happens to be an exception to that and I commend you for it. I must ask, why is this information not also included in the website that you made reference to? I will also admit my envy. This webpage has been in existence for over 15 months and has only 158 members. You state the USA.org site already has over 1400 signatures. I hope that these 1400 folks know about GMS as this is where they can find the rest of the story. I know of another group whose website indicates their intent to do exactly the same thing as USA.org. The irony is that this other website is exactly like yours -- that is, it is still under construction -- so there is no substance contained therein. Eventually there will be an organization that comes to the forefront to champion this cause. I look forward to the day that this happens and I will be the first to publicize their efforts and applaud their initiative.

okay,now we are talking..thats good. 

My mentor is no longer posting, however his intentions have always been towards education,market data and fairness.

I believe that this web hosting site[gomarcellusshale.com]has grown leaps and bounds in eastern Ohio due to his promotion of it... my mentor, in eastern ohio is constantly referred to GMS as a great source for up to date info. 

 We are on the same team,believe it or not.

The land/mineral owner comes 1st, in all of our work and slowing down and getting the current market data is what we have been doing since the onset of the 1st educational meeting held.  For the record,my mentor will be conducting his 115th open to the public meeting tonight,he has been wholly dedicated to educated the public.


this site is being put together with the right purpose,for the betterment of our OHIO land/mineral owners. 

Mark, I just completed a preliminary check and could find no "market data" provided on this webpage that originated from JRM activities. I did note a promise from you in this thread posted 4 October to get back to us with information, and I couldn't find that either. Yes, GMS has grown significantly due to the free information available. Examples of actual lease contracts signed by oil and gas companies are available here. Current market data is available for recent lease signings by ALOV, KWGD, and others. Please point out to me where I can find that information for the most recent JRM lease signing.


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