Hello, can someone post email/phone numbers of their landmen? I have Shell but need the others. They may not cover my area but they will know who to call in their company. I REALLY appreciate it because I cannot find this information ANYWHERE. 

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I signed with Shell but you said you already have Shell's contact info.

Just thought I should reply anyway to let you know your post was read.

Thanks George. I am beginning to think that everyone here is only dealing with Shell? 

No, I don't think so Sam. Shell has recently moved into Venango County, PA and has become very active in the last 3 months or so.  That's probably why it seems to you that everyone is dealing with Shell.  I think if you look at some older posts, you'll find activity from other companies like Chesapeake, for example.

Try letting people know what you need help with!

Your plea is way too general...know one knows what you need help with until they read the post.

Your subject "help me" sounds kind of pathetic (no offense intended), and people may not be inclined to read it as a result.

Just trying to help out.  I can't answer your question though...sorry...

Can I have the number of your landman is too general?? I am not sure why this site doesn't have

No I meant the post topic line...Help me!  I always check the post topics to see what's going on...then I decide whether or not to read more. 

I don't spend alot of time reading if there's nothing much new going on.  Just don't have the time.

Sorry Sam...again...I didn't mean to be rude... was just making a suggestion since you hadn't received any replies at that time.

The number for XTO is:

 (724) 772-3500
Rex is: 

 (724) 282 8750


Chesapeake (DPS Penn) is:



Range is:



Hope that helps!




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