
When asked about the suggestions by some people in online forums of the potential impact of fracking fluid, Kacprzyk said the composition of such fluids in Pennsylvania wasn’t known. “My guess there is if you don’t know something, is that there’s no scientific proof to that. … I would find it amazing that it had that kind of effect,” he said.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/02/10/pennsylvanias-purple-squi...

omg not purple squirrels whats next chartreuse ground hogs.... 

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Clarity at last, thanks for the link Mark!  Back in college my buddy claimed a purple panther ran in front of him and I simply scoffed it off as him having one too many.  I obviously wasn't much of a friend to dismiss such a claim and am going to rush right out to offer him a sincere apology along with an explanation as to what happened to turn that poor panther purple!

Hey, did you guys see the purple squirrel made the front page of the Williamsport Sun Gazette?  As if they did not anything else to put on the front page, of course anything to slam the gas industry.  I do not get the paper but I did see it.  I had heard it was not dead and was released in the Jersey Shore area, I don't know how true it was but you would think if they were going to blame the gas industry they would have made it Green. You can only believe 1/2 of what the media puts out and their grammar and spelling has a lot to be desired, their proof reader must have gone to work for the gas industry.  Enjoyed all your comments, every entertaining, it is good to get a laugh and you would not believe how many people really believed it.

karen thats becouse they have made america stupid just saying are school system in going south. your right tho it is funny thks brian

Brian,  As Gary mentioned above,  the school tests were much more demanding in the 1800's.  Back then to pass the few hours of free time, folks widdled clocks out of wood and card stock and they were pretty acurate.  Today a lot of folks have trouble just telling time let alone making a clock from scratch.  The toughest time to tell currently is the ever more elusive "time to work".

Mark as usual they did not say the squirrel was looking for nuts and was heading towards the anti frackers.   

lol por frac trucks covered in purple rodent. well red rodent sory

A festive Brunswick stew.

It's Pete The Purple Squirrel!!

http://www.dlisted.com/node/29873 Looks like he gets around! 

Not to be alarmed,  A St.Clairesville, OH white squirrel mated with a New Philadelphia, OH black squirrel and on the way to Pittsburgh they stopped in Wheeling to visit relatives and the female dyed her hair.

 Cross breed it with a Peacock and you could have a new logo for CNN

hey guys did anyone pick it up, bring it to  my house and I will make you the best potpie you ever ate, won't gaurantee what color it will be, but with a few brews who cares.  Hey, what will the joke of the week be next week.  This is quite entertaining, you can sure bet any oddities that come down the pike will be blamed on the gas industry.  You know for years there has been lots of stuff dumped into or along the Susquehanna from industry and bad septics and if you are from this area you will know that it never hit the front page of the paper.  Granted the river has improved but I still would not eat a fish that came out of it.  Just drove by the Tioga/Hammond dam, it is still green from the coal era, why don't they focus on that for a while.  That water does not look too healthy to me. If they looked enough places they could possibly find all types of funny colored wildlife there.  

i was working downtown youngstown tearing the deck off the spring common bridge a couple years ago. i saw so much purple hair down there i told the inspector i felt like i was on a movie set. he asked what movie. i said MAD MAX.


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