Why is it so quiet here there has to be some news, lets share it and not keep it all to ourselves.  Seems to be plenty going on further south,  Was in Carlton earlier in the week and sam about 6 vehicles with Texas plates on and 3 with OK plates parked on court house square.

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Nothing here to report still playing the waiting game lol

Tom, I am hearing different rumors flying around about ALOV and a possible lease, this and the form i received from them asking for information on our acreage, has me pretty on edge as well.

Did you read the post from geodude on the supposed shift westward of the wet gas and then too the oil widows of the utica? He was speaking in terms of southeastern Ohio. Here in the extreme NW corner of Trumbull county, we are on the edge of the wet gas/oil line so that should still set us clearly in the wet gas region i would guess. I hope that translates well for us and leads to a quick lease approval meeting, then a lease signing event.

Hi. It seems like there is a great amount of activity in the county recorders office. I went in to get the old lease for my farm (1974 Columbia Gas) , and I was suprised to see that it had changed hands 6 times beginning in 2010. It finally ended up in the hands of Chesapeake Utica LLC on 12/12/2011, along with a couple thousand other older leases. They must have purchased the rights to all they could get their hands on. We had never been notified of all the changing of hands. I quess they legally didn't have to. Bottom line to me seems that they wouldn't be showing this much interest unless something is going to happen. Trumbull CO sure could use a boost economically. Check your older leases, and I bet Chesapeak owns it now. You can do it online - Trumbull county Recorder. Good luck to us all.

I was just contacted by NELA in a mailing.  I since talked to them and have received a copy of their lease form for review.  They claim to be very environmentally responsible.  Anybody know about them?

Hi, There is a searchbox in this page, top right. Type in NELA, and you will find enough opinions on them and Wishguard to fill a book, then form your own. Best of luck in your search for a good oil and gas lease.

Has anyone signed a lease then asked for more up front money? How far apart are the wells normally?

Received this last week.  Postmarked Pittsburgh PA, 14 FEB 2012.  We're north of Warren.

We got in with ALOV at the last minute so we're waiting right now.

How close to Mecca Twp, west of Mosquito lake are you DLB.

Im just wondering because I got 2 offers from land groups this week.

Something is brewing

Buckeye Mineral.......the sub of ALOV.. Im on Morrell Ray Rd..no big secret

We're in NW Champion Twp.


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