If fracking fluids are found to be the cause of the illnesses at LeRoy High School, would you change your position on fracking?


The symptoms the children at LeRoy High School in LeRoy New York are suffering from are very similar to the neurological symptoms shown in the movie "Split Estate".   The movie documents what citizens in Rocky Mountain States have been living with for years, primarily in the towns of Dish Texas and Denton Texas.

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The goverment has nothing to do with the price its the commodities market,which translates to supply and demand.

It is the PUC that allows the utility rates to go up and down. This is the reason that the cost to the customer does not always reflect the true cost of the service. The cost of the fuel used is not the major part that goes up it is all the other items included.

The price is set by the commodities market, which is controlled by wall street, which is influenced by commodities traders and speculators. Here's a fairly simple explanation:  http://www.stopoilspeculationnow.com/Pages/problem.aspx 

Here's a longer discussion of it: http://www.gazettenet.com/2012/02/22/speculators-again-inflating-oi...

And here's my personal conspiracy theory (when this hits the news, you can say you heard it here first!): the big o & g companies don't want Obama reelected, and they DO want the keystone xl. And they don't want low gas prices. So, presto, manipulate the market, and they have a triple win on their hands. 

Of the fifty largest economies of the world right now - three are gas companies - Shell, Exxon/Mobil, and BP (Shell is #34, Exxon/Mobil is #35, and BP is # 37 - they all have more money than Israel, Egypt, and a ton of other countries). And since those corporations and the major banks are entwined, enmeshed, busily making life turn out great for their favorite top investors, it's probably a no brainer to make us all pay at the pump so we vote yes for the things they want us to vote for.  Here's some more light reading on that one:


Which is why all us little people need to understand what's happening, work together for real, reasonable, fairly enforced rules in finance reform, shale gas drilling, and a bunch of other things (pharmaceuticals, agriculture, the list could go on and on), and try to make the system work for all of us, instead of just the corporations. 

They are not allowed to profit on the gas,hence all the different fees allowed by the puco,they are supposed to be on our side,but they are in bed with the utilities.If you don't use one ounce of gas youre bill is still 30.00 dollars or more.

go to snopes.com    dammed beavers      great story of government incompetence    hilarious.


The call for answers grows louder in Upstate New York. Why is a cluster of people in the town of Le Roy suffering from twitches and tics.

A new question is being raised: Is gas being extracted using a technique called fracking?

HLN correspondent Jim Spellman talked to HLN's Dr. Drew Thursday about the six natural gas wells on a school's grounds and the so-called fracking method "where a liquid with water and some potentially very dangerous chemicals is injected into the ground to release the gas."

Tell me why a person that is claiming their water is polluted thus their land would go ahead and build a 5000 square foot home on that same land ?

I agree the commentator in the news room is ignorant on the subject, but the field reporter mention that they had several experts examine the well permits and other documents and the experts came to the conclusion that the well was fracked.     

As for the repeated comments that the well is being continually fracked just chaulk that up to sensationalist journalism aka Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and just about anyone at Fox News.


Keep your day job. As a comedian you'll starve to death.

So that makes him a expert in Fracking Mark lol

This howard dude is mental midget!!!


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