Drove by the well in Belmont Co.  off I-70 near St. Clairsville and they are flaring it today.  I took a picture, but it didn't come out very well on my phone.  Anyone been by there?  would like to hear any thoughts from someone who may have seen flares before from Marcellus/utica.  I believe that this is a vertical so I don't expect it to look as good as a horizontal.



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Would someone mind posting some photos of this well?

I don't have photos but I have seen video footage of the flare from a week and a half ago.

Drill rig has left, must have been working in original hole  Wish I could have got closer.   What is the tall green cylinder between the flare and storage tanks?

Just drove by the site again. Had to go check on a sick cow.    Its definitely a drill rig with guy wires on the mast.Well is still being flared, rig is dark.

I knew we should have driven by there after the meeting tonight.

I drove up to the well new years day.  It is amazing how there is absolutely no impact to the road to the site or the driveway shared with the farm.  Their driveway is gravel and at that time it looked like the stone was down for years and not a single rut or hole.  The soil was torn up on either side of the driveway from the tractor getting round bales.  Looking at this well it appears farming has a far worse environmental impact than drilling.

Looks like they're freezing an excavating the drill cuttings today.

Track excavator is sitting on top of a large pile  this morning.  Does a vertical well produce that many cuttings.   Why are all the trees to the east of the site now white? 

Guess I was wrong about the freezing. It's powered lime.

Flaring again today.

Local sources say this well only produced for a day and ahalf the first time.  Maybe the choke got clogged?   Could be its producing oil and they need to get rid of the gas.  Comments from someone with industry  experience  would be appreciated.


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