when we signed our pipline rightaway there was nothing mention abought a valve being placed in our field it was our understanding we would be abell to work all our fields with ought such things being in our way. other people i have talked to are saying they got paid for there valves i would like to know what other people are getting paid and if we can make them pay us.second question can you hunt neer a valve and or how far do you need to be from one .

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RE: "when we signed our pipline rightaway there was nothing mention abought a valve being placed in our field it was our understanding we would be abell to work all our fields with ought such things being in our way"

It is time to read all the fine print in your ROW agreement.


RE: "other people i have talked to are saying they got paid for there valves i would like to know what other people are getting paid "

You might want to ask these people who are saying they got paid for their valves as to how much they were paid.


RE: "if we can make them pay us"

That largely depends upon the exact verbiage of your ROW Agreement.


RE: "can you hunt neer a valve "

Natural Gas (as it comes out of the ground) is colorless and odorless.

Utilities add a chemical (Mercaptan) as a safety measure - so that consumers can detect a leak.

If your valve has a small leak; not easy to detect - in other words do not use it as a gun rest.

Time to look at your ROW Agreement; what is the pipeline operators liability for accidents. leaks, explosions, etc.?

Those pecky valves make a tempting target for idiots; so liability is an issue.

The obvious caution is shoot away from it, not towards it.


If you had your Lawyer review the ROW Agreement before you signed it, you are probably OK.

If you tried to save a little money by not having your Lawyer review the ROW Agreement before you signed it, you are probably screwed.


If your wife had told you that you should have your Lawyer review the ROW Agreement before you signed it, and did not, you are probably really screwed.




Well said JS. It's all about the lease terms. If you don't know what you are signing, you are probably going to regret it later.

  One of those just appeared in one of my fields this spring. Since it's not near our home place I didn't see it going in, but was since last November. It's a small line from a clinton well & was laid in 1986. I thought it was just a marker but a closer look showed it to be a 5 or 6 inch heavy wall pipe cemented in place. I shined a flashlight down it & you could see a shutoff valve of some sort. Hitting this thing with equipment would do costly damage. ROW gave them no authority to put this thing there, but you know as well as I do that no court will make them remove it. As for idiots, the 2" pipeline marker on our home place has several dents from what looks like a .22 Shot at an angle & elevation so that each miss goes right towards neighbors homes about 700' away.  Reported it to the Sheriff & got the standard " Unless you actually see them doing it line"  A complete waste of time.


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