Does anyone know if these gas companies and subcontractors use any compressed natural gas vehicles or do they just fill up with foreign diesel fuel?  US has Boon Pickens and corporations asking for governmental support and funding for CNG, one has to ask where the leadership is on this topic.

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Mostly all the gas will not be local use! Get the money out of your head there are other concerns that most of you here on this site don't believe or want to believe .You'll believe it down the line when it will be to late to undo...keep your thoughts and money "it's the American way ",right !

William , what is it is like living near a drilling site and how close are to the site ? I am serious with this question .



From the few responses I have read from william I am only guessing that your inquiry is like asking Uncle Teddy Nugent what he thinks of your commander in'd better buckle up for this ride.



point taken jb379 

Please excuse me for coming into the discussion late. The drilling operations I've seen here in this little area in pa haven't been bad at all. There have been a couple wells drilled within a mile of my place, along with the installation of a decent size pipeline. There was some compressor noise at one point that I heard and a little increased traffic, but nothing I would consider bad. Seeing the flares at night is really a neat sight, but that's just me.

I am in PA and surrounded by wells.  I have no problem except for increased traffic.  They laid stone on most of the dirt roads around my farm.  Right now they are putting in the pipelines to carry the gas.

you must not be to aware of your surroundings if traffic is your only problem.At one time I was like you until I educated my self to what this industry does.I have 3 pads within 3800 ' ,34 pads within a 4 mile radius,4 impoundment ponds within 3-4 miles.Disruption day and night has gone on since the end of 2010 and will continue here for many years (at least 5-8 or more) ..Took 1 year for Talisman Energy to drill 1 well on each pad 5 more to go on each ,plus new pads already permitted .Then there is the Utica below the Marcellus !

Thanks Brad and Dave . I have been concerned about this and wanted someone near a sight to share there thought's . I understand that at first it might be noisy but that would subside . Thanks again .

well, i have been off the computer for a few days. In fact i was at PSATS and listened to LT Gov Cawley, DEP Krancer, the governors energy executive about Act 13, and listened to hundreds of people from Tioga, Bradford, Wyoming Lycoming, Somerset, and sooo many counties and the individual twp supervisors, and to be really really blunt MR William Ferullo i have to state that 100% of the people were very happy and respectful about chief, cabot,xto, range,seneca, chevron and the list goes on. I heard the story of a construction co whose engine was leaking oil and chesapeake kicked them off the property for polluting. They did comment about increased road traffic, one person didnt know what would happen to a pond they built, but almost all had one complaint,,,that the pipelines could not be tapped for their immediate use, otherwise, out of hundreds of people, that was all the concerns. I have not held back one thing on this post. Please share which county and twp you are in, and i will redirect you to these persons, because i collected names on all of them. I care about my environment, but i am not hearing what you are complaining about.

Thanks familyman for sharing that info .

I am in Bradford the most drilled county in all PA (Horizontal drilling) your stories sound wonderful to people who want to here them and that's not me !The governor ,and Lt gov. and Krancer are nothing but gas company ass kisses as far as I'm concerned .Don't like this governor or his whole admin. .Naturally people who are or will prosper from Nat gas drilling support it .Why wouldn't they! They have a financial interest .This interest is more important to them then all the people that are having either health,or environmental problems ,or losing their quality of the life they once knew.Your direction isn't needed in this matter talking to a wall is not to my liking!My concern is with those that goes beyond the prosperity and have the foresight to think about the future change this drilling will cause in PA.Tell the governor I said Hi.....!

You speak about wanting to be educated, but you attack me, you dont want to hear my observations. I took your emails seriously when i went to PSATS and i wanted to know how people felt. You are clearly a minority on this website, clearly a minority of every person i spoke with, and the 2500 people that signed the same petition as you are still clearly a minority out of 10 million pennsylvanians. I know that i won't change your mind, its already closed, but you had me concerned that the E and D side of the industry was soooo terrible that i wanted to look into it, after all i know my end is VERY CLEAN, but i wanted to know. As you say today, people that prosper from it support it, but thats not true either....your earlier posts explain that you profit from it, and you wish to give it all back.. you could give all that money to my childrens education fund, and i will be grateful to you. My direction is needed, I searched out your concerns, and you are still in the minority. And before you attack the Governor and Krancer, why dont you read Act 13. It was modeled after Colorado, which up to this time was the Model that everybody wanted to copy. Even the proprietary information is no longer protected when a persons health is in question...albeit the doctor has to uce discretions. You know, the British scientists just concluded this week that the dinosaurs died due to Global Warming as a result of emitting FARTS.

As far as your rant, at least i went, listened , learned and am still digesting the complexity of this new legislation.

I am proud of the Controls, but i really think you are just bitter for some reason, maybe you ought to see a counselor to find out why you have such issues, maybe you are right, maybe the noise s from the compressors have caused you mental anguish. Have a beer or a Valium.


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