Still no updates on the Troyer/TUSC 3 well in Tusc?  

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Jimmy....if you can say how you  are "well connected" that be can be our pipeline!

Jimmy if they drilled the horizontal too low in the formation like you said that would show the low numbers. So you are saying this well is doing 200 barrels a day in production? Imagine what could of been if they did the horizontal right like you mentioned. I believe when the techniques improve so will the BOE a day numbers in my opinion, I too dont believe Consol will get 7 wells this year. Where is Hess in this JV they have done nothing so far? Is this well producing any NGL's or just oil?

Gents, again, What I tell you is pure rumor, however, 80% spot on since the Buell Well...

I have heard that EVEP , Chessy and Consol on this one are having a tough time figuring out the completion (fracking) techniques that seem to be the ticket here (In the Oil window).... again pure speculation and I am passing on what I hear.. I like Consol and wish them well, not bashing them


Hess has done nothing, that is fact, I heard they had title issues on some of the legacy ground from Consol... that is rumored

Talk about a crazy rumor..... had a guy tell me the other day, Hess was looking for the exit here on the whole play... who knows.. weeding through the BS to get to the truth is tough.. good luck guys, good luck to Consol too

I was told they used "foam" in the fracking of the Troyer well and also the Portage county well by Congress Lake and that neither one worked out well. Don't know how much truth is in this but it is what I was told.

Again, sounds like they are working through the geology of the play. No matter what today says, seems like it's a trial and error thing right now. Let's hope they get it figured out.  No one has come here with blinders on...It's just figuring things out.

Hey JR ? Are they flaring that well, get back to me, thanks





Jimmy, I don't have access to see it, but a friend who can see it said they were flaring today. I also spike with a well-placed source who is working directly with Hess for infrastructure and things are going just fine there.

Ya, that's what I thought, looks like that one turned around a bit for them, heard some info on it this am, you notice more and more folks referring to a waiting period to allow some of the frac fluid back in the formation and the hydro's will actually switch place with them.

Will give you the scoop when I hear the numbers.... supposed to get back to me today

Thanks bud

Cool thanks.  My buddy also said lots of flaring and a pumpjack on site = oil.  His business is very successful and well-placed in the Hess/Consol venture, and he was gangbusters positive about this whole deal.  Keep us posted.  

I am really interested in seeing the numbers for this well. Must be some thick crude to keep flaring for as long as they have.

It's not thick crude, extreme thin too be exact, same thing Anadarko has in Noble, just the science on the completion is what is gonna take a while to figure out the best techniques, the clay swells on the frac and then if you flow it too soon you can hurt the volume to the well bore, they all are figuring it out.

Listen to the Enervest conference call this week and listen to  John Walker talk about it and you will understand it better

So it looks like some of these wells being drilled are being shut in for 30 to 60 days for dissipation periods now for the pad. Looks like this might increase production numbers from what they have said.


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