Attached is the permit file from ODNR and also a plat map of the well.

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I should amend my statement about why some people use anonymity - In the age of internet, it is also wise not to disclose too much information about oneself for fear of a nut job out there who may like you too much and come lookin' for ya!  Or, too little for that matter, eh?

Okay, I'm done.

I have to agree with you Finnbear, I'm convinced that Devon has excellent qualified geologists and wouldn't have wasted so much time and money on these wells. They seem too cautious of a company to have blundered on two wells or an area in general. I too, will stay optimistic at this point in time.

Sounds like the psychological mind games have you really think Devon wants to pay top dollar for acreage? NOPE...and this is just there way of stealing more acreage for nothing!
I guess they have a lot of explaining to do to their investors, and I quote ..." we believe the Eichelberger well is in the peak of the oil play" per their latest conference call. Like I said....what Marcus said in the prior post is nothing more than psychological warfare on their part....does anyone think they want lease payments to skyrocket...I think not!
I'm starting to get the gut feeling that there is a "MOLE" on this site!

At this point in the game, I agree with Black Gold Junkie on them trying to keep the lease payments down. If I were Devon, I would do what I could to mislead the competition that may want to sneak into this area of play. Right now, with them fencing in and gating the Eichelberger well, I still feel this is going to be big. We heard that the Richman well was a bust, could be, could not, but by prepping a frac job on it may be a ploy to throw off competing companies to concentrate in the wrong area. It's an expensive ploy, which I don't think Devon would act on. We'd have to wait and see if if they actually frac it. I don't feel anybody is a mole, but on occasion, could be fed misinformation, since Devon does monitor this website. We all must be careful of info gathering and try our best to confirm it. This isn't always possible due to timeliness of actions of a O&G company. Sometimes we have to wing it and deem it accurate or not at a later date. Don't panic if someone is wrong, but remember we all have gained much wealth of info on this website. As a landowner, I'll bide my time and wait till the results are out on their wells. There's lot to be gained and there could be lots to lose if any of us rush to judgement on info presented here. I hope for the best to all the unleased landowners out there and thanks to all for the input presented on this website. 

According to Devon's conference call they are fracking the Richman Well in Medina County...I think I'll believe what the SEC regulates before I believe second hand info stated on here.

I'm kind of curious, I wonder how the Richman well will produce. I wonder if Devon will stall the production on this well like Eichelbergers. Wonder what their game is,  if any? I think I'll wait and see how it all plays out.

As far as I'm concerned its been in the ground for 400 million isn't going anywhere. For that matter...the longer it takes somebody to extract it the higher probability the price escalates to new highs.
Confirming that the Richman well is being fracked this week. They started on Monday. I was by there about 1:30 today and the guy at the gate told me they should finish up tomorrow. I couldn't get much more info out of him.

That's fantastic news.

I guess they actually do have to tell the truth at investor/analyst conference calls. That's great news for all involved in that well as Ash/Rich/Wayne county landowners.

Speaking of the Medina Well...ask yourself this question. If the Medina well was supposed to be a bust, as one commentator put it, Devon would have simply plugged the well and moved on to the next well site...they most certainly wouldn't be spending their shareholders money and wasting their own time by fracking a "bust" well. In other careful what information you BELIEVE on here or any other site. Due your own DUE DILIGENCE and only believe facts. What a "guy a I know told me" is not reliable information...unless he's the CEO.


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