Attached is the permit file from ODNR and also a plat map of the well.

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I know who the China partner is. TipTop Energy Production LLC has no HBP or old leases in Licking or Knox County.  There was an old company in 1976 (TipTop operating) that went bank rupt with 1 lease).  I see TipTop Energy Production LLC has now been signed into a partnership with Devon.   

Yea...and tip top will have a 33% working interest in every well they drill...they front 33% of the production cost for a 33% return on the well. Devon isn't going anywhere...there just spreading their risk.

So, back to my original question. Is this the China Company under a US name or does Devon currently only have 33 % interest?  Does this show up on Devon Ashland County leases?

The only China partner that I'm aware of is Sinopec...but who knows, and does it really matter. Your not going to control who Devon or any other Driller does business with. The only Tiptoe Energy Production LLC I could find is in Houston Texas...could they be a China shell company incorporated in the U.S....sure. I'm speculating here but I highly doubt that Devon has the short end of the stick...meaning Tiptoe has the 33% interest.

Wow, sorry I asked, Mr. Junkie.  I will look. 

Tip Top energy is based in Hong Kong ,so they must be the Chinese Partner of Devon.


Just google Tip Top Energy

Devon is having a conference call on Monday morning, if you can't catch it will be available on their website under investor relations, maybe they will shed some light on who Tiptoe is and go into detail about their partnership structure. Sorry I couldn't be more help.

Devon's partner has an office in Cleveland.

1300 East Ninth Street
Cleveland, OH  44114
Phone: Not Available
Acquired: 03/2012 from Ohio Secty of State
That's might be a Devon shell company. Chesapeake Energy has a few shell companies they use here in Ohio.

Tip Top is Sinopec's US subsidiary.  The assignment is part of the five play deal that DVN did with them this year.

Here is a collection of pictures from the Eichelberger Well Site:

Junkie,  nice pic's but a little old, I think they are flowing that well now.  Seems like that well has stalled out.



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