Geologist that published new ODNR map cutting Athens Co. fired.

Interesting article from The Athens News discussing the recent firing of Larry Wickstrom, the ODNR geologist that re-drew the oil and gas prime areas map. I've seen others discussing that this might have been an underhanded play to get leases on those lands for a lot less than they are worth. This makes me think there may be something to that idea.


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That was pretty thorough, I apologise if I came off grouchy or defensive.

We in PA have had such an incredible influx of naysayers inviting themselves on our land and into our barns and preventing us from developing what is righfully ours by spreading rumors based on false data and very inaccurate public statements, and we are sick of the BS.

NY is suffering from the same problem. Go above Bradford and Scranton and ask the landowners how they feel about being told they will never see a dime from what is righfully theirs. And that hurts.

The media in PA goes one way, always in favor of the Dems. We have seen how they destroy almost everything they touch for Votes and power.  

I, and others will stand up against anyone who goes near your Gov.

Kasich is from over here, still has alot of close friends here and people believe in him.

We all know the Cracker facility is moving in a positive direction, but by no means a done deal. If we had Onorato at the table standing up for us instead of Corbett, the deal would have gone the way of the unused Terminal and the 6000 USAIR employees, the tunnel under the river with the train that will be used for 8 home Steeler games per year. The celebration, the facility and the jobs would be over in Youngstown. Fact

As far as your ODNR Geologist, I am sure by now he has plenty of offers, making 2X the money and getting to fool around with technology and engineering that is truly exciting.



A couple things...

As for Larry's career options, some folks were wondering why he wasn't already working in private industry, earning three or four times what the state was paying him.

As for politics, I'm a liberal to moderate Democrat/independent, but with the local deep-shale story, I've really tried to stay away from the environmental debate. We have a very active and vocal anti-fracking movement in our fairly progressive county, and they have no problem getting their message out. But it bores me, journalistically, to rehash all the pros and cons of fracking, because all that stuff is readily available on the Web. There's nothing I can report about the advantages/disadvantages of hydraulic fracturing that a halfway diligent reader can't find with a 10-second Google search.

Much more interesting to me, and helpful to our readers, is the story regarding the economics, geology and politics of the deep-shale boom. I've been covering environmental and development issues in the Rust Belt (Athens, Ironton and Wheeling) and out West (Colorado and Idaho) for more than 30 years, and the deep-shale story is by far the most interesting issue I've run across. This is because the basic question, "Will it happen here?" has big consequences for so many people in my community, the state, the region, the country and world.

You are the first Journalist that has ever admitted being bored from the Fracking Debate. That statement alone makes me want to bookmark your paper.


Well Terry, you certainly can get all of the above interest here on GMS, plus I'm sure you have checked out this site and are floored with the amount of readership for a specialized forum.  Hell, the Youngstown Vindy blog is not even a comic book to this site.  And currently, GMS is in a slow down mode.  Scroll to the past post when things were so uncertain here and the hits were through the roof.

As for interest, my interest personally and for business is as yours, can't believe I am saying this to a liberal democrat.  So here goes, what is going on down there in Athens, are there permits for the Utica?  Where are the closest wells with production reports?  What is the going price for bonuses in Athens and Meigs? 

I'll provide links to show what the latest lease terms are in Athens County -- and they're a great deal lower than they were even eight months ago. I'm not sure about Meigs, but I expect they're also being low-balled. I have heard that Anadarko is offering generous terms just 20 miles or so to the east of here, in Washington County. I think the closest wells with production reports are the Anadarko wells in Noble County, about 30-35 miles northeast of here, but Anadarko is getting started in Muskingum County, which is more due north.

Here's three paragraphs from the second article to give you a taste:

<Based on recently released geological data from state experts, the price Athens County landowners believe they can get for oil-and-gas drilling leases has plunged dramatically in the last couple of months.

In the wake of this development, one of two major players in the local leasing market rolled out on Tuesday what one of its representatives called "the best current offer in town."

"And whereas just a few months ago, many county landowners were expecting to collect signing bonuses of $2,500 per acre, the so-called best deal in town now includes up-front payments only one-tenth that big.

Based on newly available geological data, Pennsylvania attorney Jake Polochak told a group of local landowners, industry representatives have been reporting that "it is too speculative (for landowners) to expect to get thousands of dollars per acre paid (in Athens County) right now.">

I get it now.

What Athens is going thru is a playback to two years ago when Ohio was ignored due to the thinness of the Marcellus and PA enabled the US to displace Russia as the largest producer of NG in the world.  I am not saying that Athens will become Mahoning county, but until someone has core results, it is speculation at best.  As a writer, you should go back to January 2011 here on GMS and see how our play evolved from a landowner perspective.  You will see that those of us who depended on our real estate experience foretold what was happening locally and were rewarded with the highest price and best current leases in the play.  Of course Mahoning county had the second Utica well drilled in Ohio then.

I got the info back from the state; the map was a key factor in LW's termination. He didn't vet its release with his higher-ups, then it wound up getting criticized by "outside scientific reviews" and "numerous landowners across Southern Ohio." I'll post a story later today or over the weekend.

Also, the first bigger paper in the state finally reported on Wickstrom's firing...

Wow. The mystery deepens. Released it without proper vetting / permissions? That just reeks of having an "agenda" of his own. The new job he takes might provide clues though. I hope we find out more.

Thank you Terry for joining this conversation. I really think this story is important and hope even more details are released. I still have hopes that the map will be revised again as it had far too much negative influence for having so little accurate data to support it.

Sounds about right then. It does not hurt to ask if you are going to get involved with something that goes beyond your job description.

But I agree there is probably a bigger back story.

Come to PA.....the Store is open!!

Terry, sounds like they're putting a good political PR spin on it...if LW's the head geologist then who would be the higher ups that he would need to vett his work to?

RE: "if LW's the head geologist then who would be the higher ups that would need to vett his work?"

And what might be their Professional Credentials such that they are qualified to vett the technical accuracy of the map?

I would be reluctant to disparage the professional skills or ethics of someone who had a long and seemingly illustreous career.

Could it be that some politicians simply did not like the message and chose to kill the messenger?

Hopefully the truth will come out.




Schnoozie, thank you and others for pointing out the tactics of the communists hiding under the guise of the political party. Our schools are being led by them, our chilren are brainwashed by them and only God will make a change in the ignorance and lack of knowledge that has allowed this country to get this point in time where the communists have placed a "MARXIST SUNNI MUSLIM" In our White House. LORD, May this country wake up and take the power away from those who cherish something called "CONTROL" versus providing common sense infrastructure and allowing such actions as what the response to the subject article concerns. If you look at our Ohio River Valley and think of what we once had and now lost during the past thirty years......ASK YOUSELF ONE QUESTION: Who and What Political Party has been in "CONTROL"?  There you have it folks and "THAT IS THE REST OF THE STORY"! If the Republicans try to do something good, who shoots them down and vice versa. I HOPE ALL YOU CONTROL FREAKS OUT THERE REALLY PAY ATTENTION, BECAUSE YOU HAVE DESECRATED THIS OHIO RIVER VALLEY FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL CAUSE and AGENDA! UNION DUES and MORE UNION DUES, KEEP THOSE DOLLARS FLOWING TO THE REPS and only benefitting a few, not the valley or the majority!  No, I am not non-union, I am looking a view of economic destruction by a few and satisfying their appetite for CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL!!!, as well as controlling the vote by feeding the COMMUNIST BIG GOVERNMENT SYSTEM WHO TAKE OUR TAX DOLLARS and to FEED THOSE LIVING OFF THE SYSTEM WHO VOTE YES FOR THE COMMUNIST PARTY!


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