Today Carrizo Oil & Gas announced that it is entering the Utica Shale Play by way of a Joint Venture with Avista Capital Partners. There are 15,000 acres involved and Carrizo is paying $1,500 per  acre for ONLY 10% interest. You do the math. What would the value per acre be for 100% interest?


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My best characterization would be 'attempted honest humor'.

I know I'm writing to the attention of some really savvy folks.  I'm an interested landowner but an amateur in modern gas & oil well development / technology.

Thanks for your posts, attachments, etc. - they are always very interesting and very informative.

Here's a group of Utica stories, get a cup of coffee and enjoy. See the link...


The state DNR has updated the permit/drilling activity reports for the week of June 3. Quite a bit of activity. See the link...


Been pretty quite  but found some very interesting transactions in the Licking County Recorders  Office  see

 type in devon as the last name, looks like China has a lot of input! 

Been pretty quite  but found some very interesting transactions in the Licking County Recorders  Office  see

type in Knox scroll down to Knox Energy

There has been a million articles regarding Chesapeake's problems lately, and they are indeed in serious trouble with nat gas at $2.50, and now the price of NGLs and oil declining as supplies increase and demand declines due to the Europeon fiasco and China's slowdown. I think this article is fairly informative, and the analyst's comments on what the acreage in the Ohio Utica packages will bring ($500.00 per acre) interesting to say the least. As with most things these days it's a buyers market. See the link...


Questions in my mind:

1. Would the $500.00 per acre figure be based on Utica Gas acreage ?

2. How about Utica Oil acreage + even lower strata like Rose Run / Black River / Beekmantown / Trenton / etc. - would that not affect dollars per acre if present ?

3.  Beside 1. and 2. above; I don't think the U.S.A's. Domestic Natural Resources Cartel would let Chesapeake crash and burn as they also would suffer consequences should they want to sell some of their assets.  If all of the acreage is of less value the price for resources would have to be adjusted downward.  Before they let that happen there would be industry wide too big to fail bailouts occurring.  That would be bad for business.  Maybe China wouldn't want to pay so much for the natural resources they buy from the U.S. Natural Resources Cartel.  What would happen then ?  All the big boys would lose too much money.  I see 1st bailouts and 2nd inflation. 

Time will tell.

Hello Randall ,I have always looked forward to most of the posts you place on here because the majority of them are encouraging or very informative .

This post is probably the most dis- heartening post that has been produced lately for many landowners who have recently signed with DPS Penn or made group deals with Chesapeake and remain unpaid yet ,

The end result with some stock price drops is not always as bad as it sounds .Sometimes the stock prices are allowed to fall and it creates panic selling of shares and when the price is down  the corporate people can buy back a lot of stock to enhance their voting control , sadly this one looks worse for Chesapeake and appears to be a desperate situation  at this point in time .

Hopefully for those in that position of awaiting their bonus money , Chesapeake  will start producing strongly from the various wells they are drilling and turn the entire situation around for the better . Many of the other companies also seem to be on hold awaiting information before moving forward in the Utica play .

with all of the plans for pipelines and processing facilities this really sounds as if the production possibility is underneath us, so it would stand to reason the property leasing value will return to us in the near future and maybe increase substantially if all goes well ,even if you are not leased at the present time .

the sad thing is if Chesapeake is allowed to get destroyed with lowball prices the rest of the companies will be like dominoes with the same asset holdings .

let's keep our fingers crossed and hope the good lord has sent us the blessing Ohio has needed for several years

Keep on keeping us informed Randall and have a great day

Best of luck to all ,Mick

Thank you for all of your news posts both good and bad.

Ditto...Randy is a wealth of valuable information.

hello Phillip , randall has been very helpful and on top of things with the new information and it is good to hear both sides of the coin as this play unfolds ,

I heard between 3-5 years we will see some amazing changes in the places they begin to put units in .

sometimes it is still very hard to believe this has happened in our neighborhoods

It looks like many landowners  that had 150-200 acres will be setting pretty for several years to come  if this is as god as it is supposed to be 

have a great weekend all

Thanks for the kind words. As a landowner, who is leased with CHK, and hopes to see a royalty check someday, and also roots for Aubrey's OKC Thunder, I wish Chesapeake nothing but success. But we all need to know what is really happening, and not reject info that might not agree with our current vision of reality. There is a program on drilling/development of the Utica play at Stark State in Canton on Tue June 19 at 5:30 PM. Bill Williams of KWGD will be one of the speakers. If you are not leased you should attend if you can. The story is the 3rd article down. See the link...



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