How can a landowner be sure their lease stays with a USA domestic oil and gas company ?

What can landowners do to make sure their lease stays with a US domestic oil and gas company?


We need to make sure our precious domestic American oil and gas isn't owned and controlled by any foreign country, especially those with evidence of hostility towards America.


Generations of American have been violently manipulated by the international organizations which control the supply of oil. America has fallen to #2 while China has risen to #1 in global economics. Americans are suffering from long term financial stress and many little hope for economic and social recovery. Yet, we find we are sitting on the largest, most valuable oil and gas reserves in the world!


Generations of Americans have had to submit by paying a high price when our government decides to fight wars over foreign oil, government pay-offs to terrorists and warlords in exchange for fewer attacks on foreign supply lines,


Oil prices affect every American at the gas pump, at the grocery store, and for all goods and services we use every day.


Recently,  huge reserves of domestic oil and gas have been discovered in America!

According to production reports the oil and gas find in the North Eastern United States is larger than anything we've ever seen, including everything in the Middle East!


According to the 2 largest producing wells in the US are currently reported to be located in Monroe County, Ohio and in Harrison County, Ohio.


The potential economic and social benefits of this discovery is America's only hope for survival as a nation. Domestic oil and gas production controlled by Americans will mean businesses and jobs for Americans, stable income for Americans, increased funding for social programs, and a stronger stable nation.  We wouldn't need to participate in wars over foreign oil, we could finally bring our troops home, and have good paying jobs for all Americans.



Domestic oil and gas, if managed properly, gives our nation the opportunity to be self-sustaining and finally cut ties with the foreign entities which so easily manipulate us with foreign oil. 


It is very alarming to hear that Chesapeake and others intend to sell out to Communist China.


As China negotiates to buy Chesapeake, our government remains oblivious and uninvolved.


No one has stepped up to make sure these desperate deals made by CEO's will not harm American citizens!


What laws and regulations exist which protect American citizens, American natural resources, (oil, gas, water, uranium, etc) and America's vital infrastructure from being purchased, controlled and manipulated by potentially hostile

foreign entities?


Another concern is that many landowners were told that the lease was for oil and gas, but the actual lease is for ALL minerals from the surface to the center of the earth. This includes Uranium or Throium or other Radioactive components. If the leases are sold to China, they could inherit the rights to radioactive materials, as well. 


What legal action can be taken by landowners to change the current contracts or leases to indicate they do not want their property to fall under control of a foreign nation ?


What can the Governor of Ohio do to protect Ohio residents who sold their mineral rights to Chesapeake and others who may act with wreckless disregard for the landowners and the nations best interest?


Will  Gov. Kasich create regulations which prevent foreign countries from manipulating our very own oil and gas supplies against Ohio residents?


What provisions should landowners include in future contracts to prevent the sale or transfer of their lease to a communist controlled country such as China or any organization with hostile intent towards America?




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In answer to the question what can a landowner do ...with a present signed lease?

they can contact their state senator/rep. and ask them to take a look at perhaps our two discussions here...or at least let them know that there is a national security reason to identify, and redefine the trade regulations in selling to non-citizens and how that may need amended in our present and future leases.

If they really start understanding then they put a task force together to come up with some legislation and most likely will call a recall on the leases to amend the assigns clause to better terminology for the country as well as for the individual Lessor and his/her community.

AS it was mentioned before here at gomarcellusshale York's attorney general has ordered a recall of existing leases in New York state to be amended or redone.  So it can be done...but you have to get involved in letting your government work for you instead of saying it doesn' your part to let others know and do write to the government elected officials.   Now if this present govt. is here on planet earth to sell out America...then continue to let them know that you are against selling out America...that you want some kind of wisdom in still doing trade with these countries but not at the expense of our own infrastructure... hey, the chinese understand that...that is why they don't let America come over there and run the show.

here is the link to the discussion Black Gold Junkie posted......and thank you for posting the info...that gives us hope that there may be a way to restore order to our leases of the shale deposits.

another thing to let your local news media know of this...send the discussion link of both this discussion and this one to some newspeople like the Washington Post..., New York Times, etc.

Fox News, CNN...keep going...   they have been so busy dealing with so much going on outside the USA that they don't realize about the infrastructure of our own land is up for sale to the extent of a national security concern...and national concern for to whom we pay the rent or buy from.



Merger there some regarding the sale of assets/holdings in the USA to state governments of other nations?   I found this link regarding USA and E.U.

and this is very informative about policy...

and this surely is good news that there are some existing guidelines.....I haven't read it to see if it covers something like gas/oil infrastructure though...pls review it.





My Vote Pertaining To Our Oil and Natural Gas (Natural) Resources, Owned By Landowners Until Privately Developed and Sold By The Landowner, Outrightly Sold Or Sold Into A Leasehold Agreement To Professional Developers:

1. Employ Only Domestic Developers and Use Only U. S. A. Labor, Equipment, Materials, Transportation, Processing Plants and Refineries.

2. Sold Only By Domestic Concerns.

3. Sold Only To Domestic Customers / Consumers For Domestic Use Only.

With All of the Above Strictly Enforced, Forever Until Depleted.

Words to that affect should be included in every modern leasehold agreement and incorporated by legislation into any existing leasehold agreement.

It's a tough room out there (globally speaking).

Just my opinions - and don't know how to get it done in timely fashion in way of existing leases - new leases are easier.

Regarding all of the above I was told by another who posts that I would never find a Lessee to take a Leasehold on my property under those conditions since it would be too prohibitive and lock 70% of the current market out of the Play.

If however, there occurred a subsidized government energy plan to convert the country's internal combustion engines from gasoline / diesel to Compressed Natural Gas I think things would work out much differently.  Look at the jobs a plan like that would create.

T. Boone Pickens has it right.

T. Boone Pickens has it right.

He only has it right if the conversion to Natural gas here in the USA gives profits to the United States (i.e USA companies)..and maintains NO dependence on foreign countries.   If Chesapeake makes that sale to Sinopec and the holdings and assets of Chesapeake become the property of the Chinese that is not in keeping with what T. Boone Pickens message was, that is not ENERGY Independent on just us, the USA.

If however, there occurred a subsidized government energy plan to convert the country's internal combustion engines from gasoline / diesel to Compressed Natural Gas I think things would work out much differently.

Already happening in a big way..   and yes it will create jobs but and the state will install fueling service pumps at the state facilities which will then be one of the first states to really get into the conversion process....and it is happening all over the country of the USA already.   This is another reason why these amercian oil companies should hold on to the US energy assets and infrastructure rather than sell to foreign it is the infancy state of conversion to natural gas.   Though the price may be low right now , it won't stay there as more and more convert to natural gas. isn't realistic in some of the process of leasing not to have the other member told you that it is an important part for the oil companies to find partners for developing.   But the assigns clause can be limited to work for the future without losing the control for the USA.

Yet a real decision in our nation needs to be made as to whether any new leases or even recalled leases will be allowed to be 'fully' owned by foreign investors.  Notice I said fully restrictions can be made so that they don't fully own the leases ...or the holdings of a US corporation.

They do that in other countries so a foreign country to them isn't owning all their assets...a limitation of percenile we are talking leases and infrastructure.

Also it would be good to require that a new negotiation be made that the assignee if a foreign country or for. investor is the assignee cannot sell or reassign the lease without new negotiations with the Lessor (that way if there is any question of the country /investor they plan to assign to whether friendly with this country or can be decided then.   Now the govt. could just supply a list of countries that are not allowed to invest in our shale or leases....which I think should have been done that if China purchased an oil company in the USa and then tried to sell to Saudi (OPEC) or to Iran...they couldn't.    This was what was needed before thousands of leases done.


but T Boone Pickens is not getting any govt cooperation to get the infrastructure in place, even though he could prove total payback.   This adm will stay green until they launder millions more in green energy.

Mr. Pickens lost millions because of his belief and support of green energy...  Perhaps he was reeled in by the likes of Obama et all...

He was interviewed on one of the Sunday programs last week and I happen to catch it...

Mr. Pickens was recently on Fox news...   He lost on 'wind energy'...not natural gas.

He has convinced several folks to convert to natural gas.   In fact the utility companies are offereing rebates to convert to natural gas in many areas...

this is what I meant by 'infancy'...this natural gas phenomen is just starting...why sell so soon or at all?   something isn't right if our own US companies aren't buying in or even the government?

Fox news clip with T. Boone Pickens..   see he talks about getting off dependence on OPAC but don't they realize that the Chinese work closely with them and they could sell our assets to the Saudis?   or keep them for future use and sell?   does anyone see this?   don't say amen..cause amen means 'so be it' and I don't think we need a "so be it " about this. 

We would then have a Chinese company owner extracting the NG and owning the infrastructure and making the sales (though they may have American employees doing the work and we don't have assurity of that)...and the user in America using NG would think they are paying an American company (and maybe they would be after the American company buys it from the Chinese)...but the profits would go to China's government.

 An exerpt from the link above:

Pickens explained that “with natural gas selling for nearly $14 to $18 per thousand cubic feet (mcf) elsewhere in our world” it is natural that domestic natural gas developers would want to get more than the $2.80 natural gas is selling for in the U.S.

would you take a look at that price difference for wonder the chinese and the other countries want our shale wonder!    That's it everyone...that is why.'

What if they start charging us that for our own shale resources?  what are we going to do?   someone pls tell me.

this is why this discussion is so vitally important.....

what I referred to his losses in 'green' energy,  wind was what i considered 'green'...


and I gave the wrong link to that interview with Hannity at this I think is the right one where he states he lost on the green energy of 'wind power'.

can't find it...but I did find this info...

See this is just the beginning.   Sorta like when the first television came out..what if RCA or whoever it was decided to sell the entire idea and infrastructure to the Saudis or the Chinese...where would be today.   Course we are buying our tvs from them now.  (not a good example).. but get the drift of it>> this is just the beginning.   I am so disappointed that our government and the US companies don't see this as the best opportunity ever in this country!  Why sell it to the Chinese?  they are charging much higher rates all over the globe...hey we have the cheapest gas to them to buy...  What if Microsoft sold to the Chinese the first year?

Hey, I am glad to hear from you...

You know I didn't know the prices for Natural gas in other nations were as high as up to 18dollars mcf?   Now I clearly see why the Chinese and others want in this shale play in America ASAP...   Tell me if you can only get 2.80mcf here in the USA would you just sell most of the NG here domestically when you can get up to $18mcf.....who says they won't concentrate on LP and get it out of country to sell?

Will someone pls tell T. Boone Pickens that our US is in danger of being sold out in NG reserves and holdings..?  pls before they make any more mistakes in this ...we need the money.  Otherwise it is bunk to tell the American public that they will be energy independent and not dependent on foreign countries for oil or any other energy supply if the deals go to the Chinese and India and Saudi, etc..

well, we DO want a market for our gas, otherwise the price will go in the toilet.  We should let free enterprise work but likewise, be smart about our leases.  After that, we really have not control... a bit naive?

That is what the Koche (sp?) brothers are worried about so they will put a wrench in infrastructure (via lobbying) thus it could be many years before any of this gas could be mass produced and utilized around the world.  EXPORT is good!  Import is bad...

I wouldn't rush out and sell any Chesapeake stock right now.. in fact I would buy more.....but I surely would like to see that Chesapeake stockholders talk to the US government about what they think they are doing......then if the US government helps them to understand the implications to the American people and our country to do such a thing as sell to other countries their holdings..  

Perhaps if they wait a bit more some American companies will read this discussion and see the potential...since it is almost 3dollars mcf here and almost 18dollars mcf there... they might want to invest and find ways to keep the company as an American company...and find ways to get our leases up to par with the right kind of assigns clauses to protect the future of the shale ownership of the extraction and processing infrastructure...and the leases.

The landowners (lessors) have a very valuable long lasting resource and great potential for royalties....yet they have no control over who owns the lease with the assignability being so lax...already many foreign investors have bought up shares of the leases.

Go to and sign up.

No CNG or LNG or any Natural Resources sales to any foreign state.

Convert internal combustion engines to CNG (from gasoline and / or diesel) and / or make them dual fuel.

Natural Gas prices will then naturally rise domestically.

Exploration and Development will increase along with increased sales.

Get O.P.E.C. off our backs.

No more 3rd World Nation Building / Oil Wars spend the Oil War money subsidizing domestic conversion.


well, this won't happen because our govt will NOT allow it to happen.  IF they supported self-sufficiency, we would see the signs of that already.  The govt knows about the huge reserves!  They know there is enough oil in our own country to last for 200 years, yet they keep the drilling/production low so there is an EXCUSE to invade countries in the Middle East! 

The govt keeps confiscating lands, especially in the West and Utah is now mostly govt. owned under the guise of national parks or saving a rare species, of one sort or another.  Shut down irrigation in CA because the water pumps were killing some sort of species.  Thousands lost their livelihood and thousands of acres are now back to being a dessert.

The govt is NEVER here to help us.  They are here to control our free enterprise, our entrepreneurship, and stifle growth outside the govt control. 

Just look at what happened to Obamacare!  We no longer have three levels of govt as spelled out in the Constitution.  The decision, unless Obamacare is overturned in Congress, that they can mandate about anything they want!  This decision will bite us BIG time.  My concern is for future generations - if we can't fix govt takeover of our health, we can't fix natural gas/oil leases.


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