Has anyone else heard of the deal that Saudi Arabia and China ???

Has any one else heard of the deal that Saudi Arabia has offered China to equip them with nukes in exchange for a exclusive oil rights for 30 years ?

The Saudis are saying they want the Bombs to defend there selves from Iran .

Does everyone realize what this would do to the price per barrel of oil not  to mention 

the world market .

This is not good !

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His name isn't Matthew in case people are wondering .

The scale you show is why we are still free because if our involvement in fighting communism .

I will say that this country should lay off being  the worlds police unless we have no other choice and 

lay off sending  money that we barrow from CHI-COM and give it to our enemies .

This is stupid to the tenth power .

We are the last stand in fighting off your communism , doing nothing will speed it up . 

This GOOF is IMO a paid spy !

u china-man........probably like "cream-of-sum-yung-guy" too!

CHI - COM I never question your #s on China's shale .

 Are you starting to get a little mad CHI-COM ? 

We can tell . 

It's ok you can only pretend so long .

Where you are track to go it's a constant barbecue , no worry I hear it's a dry heat .

We beat you once we'll do it again .

Since you think your so good with #'s how many troops does your country have CHI-Com ?

hey, will you both stop your arguing and get back to the point of the discussion...which can be interesting to learn why you state what you do in the discussion post....pls.

of course I hope our nations don't learn your point by just ignoring what is going on...but with conversations like on this thread...maybe they are having trouble communicating in decency and order....sure wouldn't have a nuke in their hands that way....wouldn't be worrying about the price of oil...just looking for cover.


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