1)  A water company wants to purchase my water ?  what is the going rate per 1000 gallons ?

2)  A pipeline company wants to cross me for $25 /ft  and 13k for each additional line up to 4.  Is that good ?

3)  An injection well company wants to use 3 acre of my land for a inj. well.  What is that worth ?


all this happened in the last 7 days....  all info would be helpful..

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Maybe this will help. http://www.farmanddairy.com/news/keep-your-eye-on-the-environment-w...

Actually, $25 is not bad from what I'm hearing. I've heard from $15-$30 for pipeline easements. Just make sure that is for one pipeline and that they will have to come back and see you for additional lines and each time they have to dig it up to install new lines.


I can only speak to the pipeline.  I am negotiating now as well.  I am offered $25 too.  How many feet are they going to use?  How we approach the subsequent lines after the first is very important.  Feel free to call me to discuss if you like.  We can all learn.




I need some updated water prices please....

water is worth what someone will pay for it. the normal range is from 4-10 dollars a thousand gallons. Which is .4 to 1 cent a gallon. Take what they offer and laugh all the way to the bank because water is plentyful around here and alot of people will sell it for an easy buck if you dont 


Do you know which O&G company the water is for and what well?  Rexx Energy was supposed to frac at least 1 (I think they drilled 2) well in the NE corner of Noble county back in November.  These wells are about 3 miles southwest from our properties.  I haven't heard of any wells being drilled in Millwood township yet.  But the Shugert wells which appear to be about 7 miles NE of us are fantastic.  Good luck with your negotiations. 

Scott, I am still in discussions with Oxford.  I don't know how successful I will be.  Shame on me for signing the row in the first place.


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