As we have seen, the Marcellus shale drilling success has lead to an over-supply of natural gas and a depressed price.

 The driller's answer was - go to the wet gas Utica areas to capitalize on the higher value of natural gas liquids mainly ethane. Now this success has lead to an over-supply of ethane and the price of ethane is now less than the equivalent methane. The ethane cannot be left in the gas going into the pipeline because it contains more BTUs than methane (1070 vs approx 1025) and that would raise the value too close to the limit pipelines allow - 1100 BTU.

  The answer may be to shut-in some Utica wells and return to the dry gas areas, but wait there is an over-supply of gas. What's needed is more useage, but that is going to take time and even then there's such an over-supply that prices are not going to change much for a long time.

 The drillers are between a rock and a hard place.

  Here are a couple of articles from Platts.

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I live with my oldest daughter and two, grandchildren and she is not leased and the unit is around her and she is not leased.

we are 3,000 feet from a gas well, not 2 feet.

are your Ohio wells fracked with millions of gallons of water, up to 4 million and special sand and chemicals, like ours.  

this particular process is fairly new; about past ten years or so.

and if you have no problems, then you have nothing to worry about;

but those of us in this county and other Pa. counties do have problems and we need to speak out and not be silenced and seek help and warn others of potential problems. 

Please do not put down or silence the suffering ones.  

I see a lot of videos of you protesting. Nothing at all about any damage. The dramatic picture of the flame off is meaningless. Coal fired plants do more environmental damage in a day than that would in a decade and it is a temporary issue. Please provide real evidence of damage or stop embarassing yourself.

do you want photos or time to mock us who see the negative impacts and changes and the problems and suffering to our neighbors.

I have a site under my name and document for about five years what is happening to us.  over 300 videos and also under my email name of veraduerga.  and have photos on Picassa under my name.

I have personaly talked to some of your "tour" people after the fact, invited them to tour an area with many wells, gathering lines and three compressor stations, two on the Tenneco and one on the Stagecoach transmission lines. Some took the invite some didn't, the ones that did were very enlightened to see how things were actually going and realized that there wasn't all gloom and doom as some portray. They saw the positives that have happened also a few negatives (traffic from gas activity being one, bareground from recently buried pipelines being the other) no dead animals, poisoned wells or scorched earth. And yes they were from NY, atleast they saw both sides, yours and the true facts from drilling. They didn't come by the bus load like some tours, and actually got to see up close and personal, not chosen sites, and talked to landowners around the area, to say the least they left with a different view of the ng industry.

Interesting link...what an embarassment of a human being.

Interesting advice, asked, she (Vera) answered...

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness.

WHERE are 'the names/nameclling' by her...*I don't see any up to this point...clarify.


I didn't word that well. I am pro-drilling as no viable, economically feasible alternative has been found. Until one is we are married to fossil fuels and should make the most of the marriage. Of those fossil fuels, NG and NGL are cleaner fuels and should be promoted for mass consumption.

I think we are supporting the same thing from 2 slightly different perspectives.

Wayne: Always informative. Thanks. - Deb

Hi Wayne

The below link discusses $7.2 bil in midstream capital projects afoot

A $ 2mil Newark rail yard was recently completed thru which  NGLs will move  to Houston I thought?

Sorry, I'm confused as I thought we were making good progress with the 47 Utica wells we have producing-can you pls reply and help me better understand what's going on?

Thx a lot


Thirty years ago, a well was drilled on our property.  For thirty years, the well from the Clinton formation has provided  pollution free  gas for 2 homes and 2 garages.  We use gas stoves for cooking and no one has gotten sick because there is no "pollution" in our kitchen.  By the way, the cost for thirty years of energy is zero.  The co. even sends us a check.

I think Vera has a hidden agenda.

As mentioned earlier, every type of energy production makes a footprint. And of course they extend far across the globe. However, when driving in Bradford County one cannot miss the wind turbines on the southern ridges. Their physical footprint and some gas wells' physical footprint can be seen and measured,  from a satellite image (simple like bing) that encompasses both. I wonder: what is the amount of Earth surface area required by each source of energy- wind, methane - to produce an equivalent amount of energy? Any takers?


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