Not in your wildest dreams would McCain/Palin have pulled this garbage.

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Gary, I agree the Delphi Pensioners got a terrible deal. Historically, that has happened to workers not represented by a union. Workers should not have to belong to a union to be treated fairly, but too often companies are not going to protect their workers. I cannot imagine being a worker ready to retire and find my retirement was stolen.
The P.B.G.C. Is an independent agency not under the DOJ. The P?B.G.C. Should be held accountable and the company. How often have we heard the CEO heading south w/ a golden umbrella leaving the workers w/o a pension. Denver

He who 'has the gold' (even if it's ONLY 'in name'...) makes the rules. Otherwise known as being a 'pawn'.

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. *WE are AmeriCANs! ENDEAVOR!

Sorry - Denver, you had no 'reply', so tapped gary smith. QUESTION: How are the G/O Co.'s 'insurance' system operated?

*WHAT if someone DOES get badly injured on a FRACK job?...ARE they 'covered' - BY the company? - or do THEY have to hold their own coverage (or NOT have it?).

WHO pays?...seems that I read awhile back that the G/O Co.'s - in WILLIAMSPORT, PA.!...THAT was it....that there is a MAJOR PROBLEM with the G/O laborers NOT having INSURANCE & having lots of accidents...and the MEDICAL industry getting 'stiffed'. Is this so? 

if I'm wrong, please clarify - thanks.... If correct, there needs to be remediation...and NONE of us mean 'ObamaNONcare'.

Always thought that WiLLIAMSPORT, PA. report was interesting...Any ideas - Go Marcellus & Utica Shale: Leasing, Drilling &... - this just happened to Billy Park Wyde. Supposedly/hopefully no one hurt...BUT, what if?....

THOUGHTS. As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness.

Right is Right, Wrong is Wrong. Bottom Line.

"Why would the Obama plan scare business?"

People invest in companies and expect a reward based upon risk.  The US is the safest country to invest in because the laws have been consistently applied.  When one buys a corp bond he expects a lesser rate of return than buying stock. The reason is because if the company goes bankrupt the bond holder gets a place higher in line than the stock holder. In companies as large as GM it becomes complicated though the laws have been consistently applied for hundreds of years. Informed investors are well aware of risk and reward. The GM deal upset the expectation of investors and applied poiltical favoritism instead of established law.

Going forward investors are skittish on how laws will be applied in the future. If the laws can be thrown out the window so easily, the the US is no longer the safe business envirornment that it once was. Still okay, just lost some luster.  This is reason why a lot of money is sitting on sidelines. Investors need confidence that in the future the laws will be applied. 

What is biggest fear in Oil and gas business? Laws passed after a big investment is made which nollify your risk reward equation. For all of us who invested in oil and gas prior to Obama care being passed just got hosed. We made a decision based on current laws and now laws are changed.

If you want a recovery you need a consitent application of laws.

RE: " The US is the safest country to invest in because the laws have been consistently applied. When one buys a corp bond he expects a lesser rate of return than buying stock. The reason is because if the company goes bankrupt the bond holder gets a place higher in line than the stock holder."

I believe that there are some GM Bondholders out there who would strenuously disagree with your statement - and for good reason (just glad that I am not one of them).




denver, i brought up the justice dept because that is where prosecution starts for breaking the laws of the country. both the g.m. bondholder devastation and the geitner ordering the delphi pensioners to be made unwhole, unlike the autoworkers union pension, were against the laws of the country. we are being ruled by the most lawless bunch of poverty pimps this country will probably ever see.also, people around the world invest in america not because of laws being applied consistently,nor because our currency is backed by anything tangible,which it's not. they are investing in the hope that we will remain free and help the world to remain free.

Eric, Thanks. I have listened to Fox and MSNBC during the time this decision was made and this situation was never explained so well. (Actually never explained by either) perhaps had you been a Romney advisor he would have won Ohio.
Thanks again for your clear explanation.
Gary, I plan to read a great deal more about Delphi. I am embarrassed to say I know little about it. as i have stated in past statements I am a huge believer that when people have invested in a retirement program it must be safe-guarded.if that invested monies is stolen by CEOs and/or allowed to be stolen by government officials all involved should go to jail. Let us be honest, many in government and company high archly are sly rascals and we have to keep an eye on them. Thanks also for your info. Denver

Read your first sentence, "People invest in companies and expect a reward based upon risk.".  Now look closely at your last word in that sentence, "RISK".  There's your sign as Bill Engvall would say.  People expect to be able to "invest" their money, but it is really only gambling in disguise.  Run by a legal government backed mafia of bankers.  Investment in America ended long ago when they sent manufacturing out of this country.  I say put your money where your mouth is and invest in real, local business, with real local job creation!  Think past the end of your nose (and the stock market BS)and you will find true prosperity for America.  And if you are one of the lucky ones making enough from your royalties to have to pay the 3.8 percent tax u all seem to be crying about,  then as a married couple u are hauling in more that $250,000 a year shame on you for being so greedy!  Go ahead and go to church on Sunday, then complain about this tax because of your greed.  You can't take it with you!

There is NO 'horizon' in/on our US 'market'...

and the MARKET likes HORIZON.... It likes 'positive perspective'. NOT a 'sure thing', just positive re-inforcement.

Where has the certainty, strength...NOT in 'agitation', but REALITY. If you can't afford it - don't buy it. It takes the cash to 'pay the rent'. WAKE UP. GET TOUGH.

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness.

Eric you are correct.  But your truthful message is simply too complex for a low information voter who cannot be bothered even to type the words "you" or "are".

The inmates are now completely in charge of the asylum.  It's time to give up the ship and go into full protection mode, lest these fools drag our heads permanently below the water.   

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia *Saul Alinsky

It'll only get WORSE.... As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness.

You are correct, Eric. Lest we forget in 2006 the Democrats had a majority in Congress.

We are heading down the road to Socialism at a fast clip. Before you know it, the POTUS will be claiming that the gas under your land is not yours since you did not "build" it.


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