I reside in Cranberry Township, Venango County, PA.  We are clearly in the "Wet Gas."  This wet/gas line has been modified from original assumptions   I believe it has moved east due to the recent drilling and testing throughout the county and the bordering counties. This should make it very profitable and easier to transport.

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Thanks Brian!  My mistake

Best line in this discussion "These people are trying to rape you and make you  enjoy it"

PA Piplelines


Utica Shale Depth...Venango County is between 6,000 and 8,000 feet deep

Utica Shale Thickness...Venango County is between 250 to 300 feet thick.....

Interesting map. The 6 to 8 thousand grid lines for the Utica pretty much fit the wet liquids map for the Utica in Ohio and where it enters PA. The so called sweet spot.

Maturity (oil vs wet gas vs dry gas) is primarily dependent on temperature, which is strongly correlated with depth.  The deeper you go, the hotter you get, the more mature hydrocarbons become.

Most maturity maps will line up with depth maps.



Well done James... You're onto something!

Also, look at where CHK is drilling their wells in Beaver County... between 6 to 8 thousand feet TVD.

Jim, Marcellus well in Dempsytown reported thickness 100 ft.  Not as thick as Washington county but still very viable. First well, learning curve on the process....As far as infrastructure, NFG has several projects in place to move the gas. Seneca very pleased with Utica thickness with test well in Polk.

Jim, Checked latest marcellus thickness map from Penn State. It confirms Marcellus is 50-100 feet in area of Dempystown well.  Reported thickness is 100 feet at well.  I am not trying to dispute you, I just disagree with your premis that a thin layer exists here. Utica well in Forest County is wet gas.  When it comes to leasing in the area, it is important that the landowner has all the facts. 

John; no problem.  If you have better data than I that is good.  But my understanding is that the Marcellus in Venango is inconsistent and mostly thin with some thicker pockets. I'm told there is a good amount of data on the Venango Marcellus since a lot of older wells were drilled through it and they have the well logs from these.

One good thing is that since the Utica will be the prime target in Venango the drillers will probably also do horizontals into the Marcellus since they will already have pads, pipelines,, and infrastructure in place. Doubt much of the Marcellus would have been considered develop-able if it were the only gas bearing strata.

Good point on the horizontals drilled into marcellus


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